Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Tank looks beautiful Henry, that Monti is looking great. What is the fish in their beside the foxface, very cool looking? Love it, wish you would post pics more often.


Active Member
Mystery Wrasse. So the two Occelaris, the Foxface, the Mystery Wrasse and a Tail Spot Blenny. Did you see him sitting in the last Monti picture?


that looks awsome bro! keep up the awsome work..
i want a pom pom crab as well!.. they wont go after the coral?.. also why cant you have a sixline and a pom pom in the same tank?..


Active Member
Scott not sure what you see as yellow polyps.
Ronnie I am taking a chance with the Wrasse and my Peppermint and Pom-Pom but I have read that if they are in there before the Wrasse, the Wrasse may not bother them. I guess we'll see. I wouldn't care so much if the Wrasse got the Peppermint but he better leave the Pom-Pom alone!!!
Reb I have had the Wrasse about 2 weeks now. He is doing great, eating, leaving the other fish alone. As a matter of fact there are times when I see all of them together just chillin!


Active Member
Your selection of fish is awesome. I know the foxfaces come and go in your tank but they make such a beautiful addition. What do you feed everyone?


Active Member
Formula 2 pellets, frozen mysis - krill - cyclopeeze, Rod's food, Spirulina flakes, Nori sheets, Selecon vitamin.
Oh yeah and it seems I feed what few hermits I have Cerith snails!!!!


Active Member
Prob way off topic from this tread, but I noticed you have a protein skimmer on this tank, is it the oceanic one? If so I purchased it yesterday, do you like it? Sorry not trying to jack ur thread!


Active Member
Yup it is the Oceanic skimmer. For me it works well enough. I try to keep my bioload low anyway. The only real issue is how often to replace the airstone. I do it about once every 6 weeks or so.
I have recently (3 weeks now) started using Prodibio in this tank. Since starting I have noticed that the skimmer is doing a better job of producing foam and not dumping so much water into the collection cup. I have always gotten a light brown, tea colored skimmate from it though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Yup it is the Oceanic skimmer. For me it works well enough. I try to keep my bioload low anyway. The only real issue is how often to replace the airstone. I do it about once every 6 weeks or so.
I have recently (3 weeks now) started using Prodibio in this tank. Since starting I have noticed that the skimmer is doing a better job of producing foam and not dumping so much water into the collection cup. I have always gotten a light brown, tea colored skimmate from it though.
What is the prodibio? And are you using direct replacement air stones?


Active Member
Yes direct replacements which are Coralife wooden stones.
Prodibio is a number of different additives designed to increase biofiltration. Explanation would take to much typing here. Go ahead a google it. This is a test I am currently doing to see if it is all it is touted to be. Came across it doing some research into vodka - sugar - vinegar dosing.