Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Do you have any pics yet of your black beauties?

HA HA I was waiting for that! Thought it would have been Nissan asking though!!!!

Will try to get some pics tonight if my social coordinator doesn't have anything for me when I get home.


Active Member
The new clowns are gorgeous. I really like them a lot! Your frogspawn seems to be doing well, sheesh how many new heads do you have sprouting there, wow. The pom-pom crab is such a cool invert, wish I could have one with my sixline
Those acans are a really nice color and look to be gigantic and your rics look great as well. Haha, guess I just like the whole darn thing


Active Member
Thanx Subie always nice to get kudo's from you.
It is coming together. My only hope now is that the clowns find the frog and hook up. Otherwise I wil have to think about how to add an anemone without worrying about losing some of the coral. Hmmmmmmmmm
I just love to see clowns hosting............


Active Member
I think so too. My next addition is going to be a frogspawn so I am excited to hopefully have them host it as well. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. That will really look neat with the blue and green from the frogspawn contrasting the black, white and orange noses of the clowns. Hope it works


Active Member
Yeah. so what do you think of this, I saw Coral Keepers update today and he has some Halemida growing. The green contrast in his tank is just amazing. Looking at the FTS of mine I think I would like to have some of that contrasting color.
Your thoughts??


Active Member
Hmm, I don't know. I do like the nice green color and the interesting shape of the leaves and stalks. I am unsure if I like having plants in the DT. Maybe I am scarred from my algae outbreak though


Active Member
Thanx, it is the Canon Powershot SD 870 IS.
By no stretch of the imagination am I good with it. Just got it and still learning the ins and outs. It does have an aquarium mode though. One of the reasons I picked that model.
On the Halemida, I think it is one of the more safe macros, like Coralline it is a calcacerous type algae. So if you can keep Coralline I believe keeping Halemida should not be too hard. I understand your concern though, once bitten - twice shy.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
np man, i may hit u up for some frags one day :p
Sure but for now I am in the "leave the tank alone and let it develop" mode. If it ever gets to the point where I have to start fragging, and I mean really have to, I will keep you in mind.