Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Home from work, blue spot laying on side on the sand. Afraid he is a goner. Darn it! Now what? Have to rethink this now, can't put another one in knowing that something is able to get to them somehow.


Active Member
Ughh, so sorry to hear that. Hopefully he can hold on for a few more days, and you can keep giving him vitamins in his food.


Active Member
maybe its like you said...a rock smashed his tail. Sorry to hear about the loss. I'd say try again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whisk
maybe its like you said...a rock smashed his tail. Sorry to hear about the loss. I'd say try again.
I would have considered this as an idea until looking last night and his entire tail is now gone.


Active Member
Well if he isnt moving like you said something probably nibbled on it during the night. You need to put a 24 hour camera on it to catch the culprit! Now you know its either a rogue crab or the shrimp for sure.


Active Member
I am in the "Leave the Damn tank alone and let it grow out" mode right now, so no frags. I really want to see what happens with the existing coral and see how the tank matures at this point.


Active Member
oh. its cool. i cant wait for it to be big. spank how high is your light from your tank? mine is 7 inches is that good?


Active Member
made a water bottle trap. Put in a nice raw shrimp from package wifey had for dinner.
The peppermint shrimp
The pom pom crab (twice)
A Nassarius snail (twice)
A small bristle worm
This over the course of two days and nights. Seems any nasty creature would have been enticed into shrimp deli. Starting to believe that the bluespot was maybe not as healthy as I thought. He has passed. The pajama cardinal has passed. The only fish left is the purple firefish who is doing wonderfully.
Over the past weekend I added a pair of Black Occelaris. They are beautiful! And I think they are in WUV! They do not leave each others side. Now I need to think about where I am going from here. I am hoping that they eventually see the frogspawn and wish to make a relationship with it.


Active Member
thats too bad about your fish. Your bait trap sounds liked it worked a bit too well, thats pretty funny. Sounds like you got a couple of hot and heavy Occelaris! that would be sweet once they hosted!


New Member
I love all the beautiful coloring in your tank with all the different corals and stuff its great, I am new to this site but have been searching and researching for some time now so I know what to do with my tank, I am new at all this and want to do good with my tank, so far so good, of course the waiting game sucks but its ok.


New Member
How do you know if they are a pair or not, I just got one and am thinking maybe I need to get another for this one I have and was wondering how you can tell their sexes? Or can you? I wish you the best on your tank.


Active Member
i am not sure how you can tell if they are a pair but you can tell their sexes but their size. once they are together the bigger one becomes the female. and i think she will do some kind of dominance "dance" that will be pretty obviouse. someone please correct me if im wrong. but very nice choice spanko i love the black occelaris!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whisk
thats too bad about your fish. Your bait trap sounds liked it worked a bit too well, thats pretty funny. Sounds like you got a couple of hot and heavy Occelaris! that would be sweet once they hosted!
Yeah well I know how to catch things if I need to in the future. Don't feed for a few days and get the water bottle and some scampi in there.
My wife kept saying why are they fluttering like that are they sick.

Originally Posted by arambu74
I love all the beautiful coloring in your tank with all the different corals and stuff its great, I am new to this site but have been searching and researching for some time now so I know what to do with my tank, I am new at all this and want to do good with my tank, so far so good, of course the waiting game sucks but its ok.
Thank you looking and your comments. I really appreciate it. Yeah it seems like this hobby is all about the waiting. Keep it up though and you will be rewarded with a beautiful and healthy system.
Originally Posted by arambu74

How do you know if they are a pair or not, I just got one and am thinking maybe I need to get another for this one I have and was wondering how you can tell their sexes? Or can you? I wish you the best on your tank.
Not sure If you can tell their s.e.x.e.s by any physical means. someone else may know. But if you buy two that are relatively the same size they will s.e.x themselves. They are hermaphrodites and as they are together one will become female and grow larger while the other will be the male and stay smaller.
Originally Posted by patrick8929

i am not sure how you can tell if they are a pair but you can tell their sexes but their size. once they are together the bigger one becomes the female. and i think she will do some kind of dominance "dance" that will be pretty obvious. someone please correct me if I'm wrong. but very nice choice spanko i love the black Occelaris!
Yeah the black is cool and love the way their face is bright orange.
Thanx all again for looking and commenting.