Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
No nissan not pics. Haven't taken any recently. Maybe get some here in the next day or so. Thanx for asking though.


Active Member
thanks for comin over to my thread!! thought i would show yours some love too. i love the colors of your tank!!! i have always loved to rockwork as well. when i had a 55 set up i tried so hard to get that valley affect but could never get it nearly as good as yours!! keep it up!


Active Member
its ok spanko. i dont wanna be a bother. i know your a busy guy! but man i just love your tank so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Not yet, normal tank maintenance yesterday, gotta let everything settle a bit. Took the orange monti out and traded it for a dark green acro. Nice colony. Will miss the orange monti but he wanted it and I wanted the acro so it was a win - win.........
This is the monti that is now gone.........


Active Member
Well had to get the foxface out, getting to big. So to do this had to take all rocks out.
So, from the beginning of the tank almost 2 years ago my original intent was to learn what I could. Water quality, inhabitants, etc. etc. I had an end goal of a anemone and clown tank or a jawfish tank.
Well have added about 3 inches of coarse sand and set up a patch reef or Bommie, an island of coral surrounded by sand.
Here are some pics. There is a blue spotted jawfish and a purple firefish in the tank but they are new today and just chillin out of camera reach. Will get them in future updates.
Hope you like!!!!!

From right side

From left side

Top down clam

Top down Pavona, Rics

Top center



Active Member
What a difference, and change of events
Blue-spotted jawfish are one of my favorites, very interesting fish. I like the new rockwork, very cool looking. It reminds me of a small barrier reef, looks truly great!