Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Looking at the tank with the magnifying glass tonight and found this tiny suncoral. Smaller than the diameter of a pen. You can see some small feather duster worms and spirorbids around it.


Active Member
No subie, had one about 1 year ago but it has been gone for a year. this must have been a spore and is located in a shaded spot over by the pseudocorynactis.
Okay it is officially named Carlos the sun god.


Active Member
really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my kenya is name henry the spanko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
thanks all
to me and spanko


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
No subie, had one about 1 year ago but it has been gone for a year. this must have been a spore and is located in a shaded spot over by the pseudocorynactis.
Okay it is officially named Carlos the sun god.
Same thing happened to me :) Im still finding random sun coral polyps that are very tiny, all over the tank.
Your tank looks great! The chalice looks great too!! I need to pick up one for myself.


Active Member
Reb, got that one from Mr_X. It is a watermelon. You might want to contact him to see if he has or will have any more soon.


Active Member
So these were hitch hikers on a back rock, just a few polyps. Did not think much of them but they are starting to spread an look pretty nice. Do you thing they are neon greens?



Active Member
I do but he is getting to the point in size where he will be taken back to the LFS for credit. I may not get another little one at this point to see where and if the dreaded Caulerpa springs up again. If it does then I will purchase a new baby foxface. They are by the way algae eating machines and must be constantly fed some greens. I use an algae clip with different types of sheet algae. They are really nice fish to have.
Thank you for looking Tara!


they are beatyfull fish and they love love love their algea i had a baby one 2 yrs ago that grew out of my tank before i got the bigger tank, i wish i had of kept him he was perfect and fat.


Active Member
Yeah this one has a belly on him too! Along with the algae sheets when I feed everyone else he is right there getting his share of meat too!


Active Member
Oh come on Tara, I can't believe that you living in the REEF capital of the world couldn't just go out your back door and grab anything you want!


lol and i scuba alot to i should take a net with me ay, much ristriction tho, very illigall here, no taking from the reef for me, but ill always make sure that the fish i order for the shop will be aussies, the only garunteed way that there net caught is off aussi reeefs, my new lippy is a true blue aussie.