Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Beautiful tank, Spanko. These zoo's are absolutely unbelievable. Let me know if you ever frag them.



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Originally Posted by spanko
Hmmmmmmmm.....might have to do that in trade to come over and see your reef!
No problem at all. However if you are looking for a true reef then you may be a bit disappointed in my tank. All I have are a few zoos, kenya tree, some shrooms and some brown polyps. My "reef" is still developing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
No problem at all. However if you are looking for a true reef then you may be a bit disappointed in my tank. All I have are a few zoos, kenya tree, some shrooms and some brown polyps. My "reef" is still developing.

You could leave your tank as is and it would still be a true reef. Just a patch taken from the ocean.


Active Member
Okay went away Friday to see son at school, came home Sunday. Check out tank. firefish added 9-Nov still there looking good. Can't find PJ cardinal added 9-Nov. Bluespot Jawfish added 9-Nov is sitting in front corner with sand all removed, not in his usual den under the rockwork. Take a look at him and something has been chewing on his tail. Pic below.
Tank mates peppermint shrimp, boxing crab, a few scarlet hermits, asst'd snails. Can't figure it out. No snapping, popping in the tank ever. He is eating and moving around fine. Just gonna keep feeding food laced with Selecon and see what develops. A real quandary. Not the best pic. Not staying still enough. What is chewed is the top half of his tail. Bottom half still okay. Whatever happened it got right into the meat ahead of his tail about 1/8"


Active Member
That sucks. From your stocklist I don't see anything that would throw up a red flag. I think it was patrick who just recently had a clown that had gotten nip, the coincidence is that you both have peppermint shrimps. I didn't think it could have been a peppermint but maybe it was.
Glad to see you back around, I was wondering what you were up to.


Active Member
Yeah hard to believe that a fish would just sit still while it's tail was being chewed on, especially a fish that appears healthy otherwise.


Active Member
Agreed, maybe he was resting at night and the peppermint snuck up on him. I just have this vision in my mind, with some generic horror music playing in the background, your fish taking a little nap and boom the shrimp strikes
Seriously though, I hope he is ok, blue spot jawfish are my favorite fish.


Active Member
thanx Subie. I have waited two years to feel confident enough to keep this fish. Sure hope he hasn't become so scared he won't go back under the rockwork in his burrows. I guess I can see the cardinal pasing away from something and the CUC cleaning up the mess, but it bugs me that something chewed this fishes tail while he is alive and healthy.
What a hobby huh!


Active Member
It is peculiar that you can't find your cardinal coupled with the injury to the jawfish. Normally first thing that would come to my mind is gorilla crab or mantis but your tank is well established, so it is strange.
Quick question, I am looking to get some frogspawn for my tank within the next month or so. How many heads are in your tank? Do you think it will be ok under pc's? I do know nwdyr has very successfully kept frogspawn under pc's, but I wanted to see what you thought.


Active Member
I think they will be fine. I had a nice torch under the original PC's that came with the biocube. 72 watts total, a 10k and a 50/50.

Hard to say how many heads on the current frog I have, there are so many baby heads under the parent.


Active Member
subie you said that it could have been the pep that got his fish's tail but when i posted about my clowns tail was beat up everyone shot down my idea that it was the pep. shrimp....

every one said it had to be the power head?


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
subie you said that it could have been the pep that got his fish's tail but when i posted about my clowns tail was beat up everyone shot down my idea that it was the pep. shrimp....

every one said it had to be the power head?
Actually I said that I didn't think it was but anything was possible.


Active Member
okay well either way i got shot down on my idea of it being the pep. so... maybe there is something else that got the little guy...? power head?


Active Member
i dont think a peppermint could hold onto a fish and chew the hell out of it like that. it has to be something else, its hard to judge from the pic, but it looks like a chunk was removed so im guessing something else. I wonder what it could be...


Active Member
Patrick, I really don't think it is the pepp in either of our cases. Just can't imagine a fish sitting still while something chews on it's tail. I can't see anything that looks like it but I am wondering if there was a shift in a rock and he got caught under it and pulled himself free. What ever it was he sure does not go back into the tunnels he has created. Stays right up front in the corner. Was there this morning when I went to work.
Something with some strength, like a rock shifting, would have to have done this. Can't imagine anything alive doing it and him not just swimming away before this kind of damage. Even if he was sleeping seems he would have woke up and booked!!!