Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?


Active Member
Nice nice glad to hear that!
Oh yeah I went out and bought the candy cane, some hairy mushrooms and a long tenticle plate! My tanks finally filling up. But the plate is trying to attack the mushrooms so I have to move it over every so often.
I was thinking of buying this nice pink chalice, but I dont know if I have anywhere safe to put it, or if the lights are good enough.


Active Member
Have you heard of a pink one? I tried to look it up on google but didnt find much info on them. Mostly sites selling them.


Active Member
Coomon names don't mean a lot in this hobby. So many of the same things called by so many different names you can't be sure of what your are talking about. You really just need to know the scientific names and their care.
Here is an example of something called pink chalice.


Active Member
Thats true!
It didnt look like that though hahaha. They didnt have the scientific name up which sucks. It was pink in the middle with like a line of white or tan colour going around it. Looked like a cup almost! Maybe it wasnt even a chalice and they put the wrong name up


Active Member
The one I saw was pretty cool and had a colour other than green! lol Thats why I wouldnt mind getting it. I dont know anything about them though!


Active Member
IMO it is just the latest of the FAD coral. Zoas were huge, SPS was, now it seems Chalice is. But the real reason is the beauty. None of the following are mine.



Active Member
Well I look at it this way Carlos, the more "famous" they are the more expensive they are until a lot of people have them, are fragging and selling the and then the price goes back down.
"Wow I just got a frag of SE LE Tyree Super Fantastic Elephant Tusk Zoanthids for only $65 per polyp."
A year later they are selling for 10 polyps for $65 because the market is flooded. Just makes me a little crazier than I already am when people are looking for the common name for their coral.


Active Member
agree. i know what you mean. but is that even a real zoa? lol
many people that buy stuff like that think they will be the only ones in the world having it. but given a couple months you see they will go down and the price will be different.


Active Member
What! You doubt me! Never heard of the "SE LE Tyree Super Fantastic Elephant Tusk Zoanthids"?
I just made that up pal. Hmmm.......better keep an eye out to see if someone steals it though, I might want some polyps for using my name huh?