Squidd I'm Almost Ready To Move To The Basement!!


Active Member
I am soooooo ticked off right now. The measurments are waaaaaay off with A and B they are too big. the 17 7/8 is not rights. I will show a pic. later this really sucks. :mad: :mad:


Active Member
I measured and the INSIDE IS 17 7/8. WHY DID WE WANT 17 13/16??? I hope he will cut off the extra half inch for free
I guess i should have him cut it to 17 6/8


Active Member
Is there anything I could do tonight until tomorrow, when I return the 2 pieces? Any baffles that I could set?
I am such an idiot
I counted 7 marks on a ruler the 8th mark would be a 1/2" I thought that would mean 7/8, apparently not though.


Active Member
Not really, maybe "F" ..."C" needs to be blocked up and "G" and "H" are attached...
Best to wait for "B"...to keep everything "square"...


Active Member
I was doing some dry fitting with F and it is not plum at all where the silicone is on the tank. does F need to be flush to the bottom of the tank? Or would it be better for it to be flush to the bottom and not to the side. there is a substantial amount of gap and don't think silicone will fill it properly.
Also, does G get glued to C? and is H glued to the tank? just so they are level with F. This is not as easy as I thought it was going to be.
I am getting confused with all the different angles and not being able to see it in person. I asked leona if she would give me pics of hers and there was no reply.


Active Member
What is the space between D and E and dimensions from the sides of the tank. I could not find those


Active Member
Squidd, I went back to the "plumbing 101: and on post 757 I found her sump pic. Yeah... Anyway, looking at that pic it shows both A and B notches toward the top of the picture. and shows C on the bottom left. Right? The return chamber is directly in the middle-bottom of the pic. Does this seem Right???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
I was doing some dry fitting with F and it is not plum at all where the silicone is on the tank. does F need to be flush to the bottom of the tank? Or would it be better for it to be flush to the bottom and not to the side. there is a substantial amount of gap and don't think silicone will fill it properly...
Are you talking about the silicone "filet" in the bottom corner of the tank...?
Or that you tank is out of square...?
If it's just the "filet" ...you have two choices
1. With a straight edged razor, cut the ofending silicone out of the corner...the "seal" is between the egdes of the glass so it will not leak...instal the baffle and then rfill the "filet" with new silicone as you finish up..
2. "Grind" the corner off the baffle with a belt sander, 60 grit paper a little at a time keep it cool...only takes a little to clear the filet and then silicon in place as usual...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
Also, does G get glued to C? and is H glued to the tank? just so they are level with F. This is not as easy as I thought it was going to be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
Squidd, I went back to the "plumbing 101: and on post 757 I found her sump pic. Yeah... Anyway, looking at that pic it shows both A and B notches toward the top of the picture. and shows C on the bottom left. Right? The return chamber is directly in the middle-bottom of the pic. Does this seem Right???


Active Member
OK then! I will opt for option 1 but am very nervous about cutting out the filet. I am picking up the A and B baffles tomorrow morning and will attempt to assemble B, F, C tomorrow night. I was really hoping to have the fuge running by the weekend but doesn't look like its going to happen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
You can run them down as two seperate lines...or you can connect them together in one larger line (less holes in floor) but then you have to seperate them again when you get to S/F...
Suggest run two seperate... 1" to skimmer, 3/4" to fuge...BUT "H" them together with all 1" down in the basement or under the stand with ball valves on each, so you can divert all flow to skimmer for fuge maintenance if needed (sometimes it is..)
Like an "H" with a cross over or balance pipe...

I was hoping just to keep both lines seperate. Is that all right? I do have ball valves for each.


Active Member
That's fine, you can do that if you want...
I just find it very convienient to be able to "divert" the flow from either fuge or skimmer chamber (thru "H") when shutting down a "portion" of the S/F for cleaning or mainenance...
Awhile back I had a "snot like" break out in my fuge...had to shut it down, clean it out, reset the sand bed etc...took a couple days...I was able to divert all flow to skimmer side and keep main pump running...Same as when I pull my skimmer and suck the junk out of overflow/skimmer/settling chambers...divert all flow thru fuge and keep return running with out sending all the skuzz up to the tank...


Active Member
I want you to check out the space between the mag24 and the tank, it seems pretty tight. The baffle just infront(i forget teh letter) is not glued yet. DO you think it will cause problems?



Active Member
Looks good, "E" is a baffle and should have max spacing from "D" to be efective...as long as pump fits (looks good from here) you'll be fine...
Because "E" is suspended it's just a baffle and Return chamber actually carrys water volume from "D" so you'll have plenty for evap control...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
"In" it or "On" it...is it a hose barb made to slip hose onto (generic one piece bulkhead)??
If so a short peice of 1 1/4" Spa Flex over hose barb and 1" PVC glued "inside" it...SF used as "coupler"...
I tried dry fiting the spa flex hose and BOTH were too big. I had ID 1-1/4" and ID 1" they both were too big.


Active Member
As far I found a match for the 1" drain.
I finished the fuge sump waiting for dry to clean it up.
I went with a 3/4" durso drain I hope that does not change anything so now i think i have a 1-1/4" for my 1" drain and 3/4 for 3/4.
I am going to start tonight cleaning everything for tomorrow morning/
I start tomorrow and finish.