Squidd.......Teach me.....DYI:Plumbing 101 on a SW Tank


Active Member

Originally posted by Squidd
If we can't do that your next (better) option would be to buy a cheap 20 "long" for the sump and then place the 29 "next to" the tank as a fuge/display...:yes:
Then you have a decent sized fuge (for "show") and the equipment is hidden in the sump under the tank...

Go Go Display Fuge! (I can't help it, I love green things, and could never hide them in the cupboard. I'd be opening it all the time to see.)


Active Member
RazorEQX's fuge is an "extreme" example of a display fuge...most don't look that pretty...
A bit of "varity" is Macro choices CAN dress up your fuge, but for effecient removal of malnutrients you may want to concentrate on growing mass quantities on a single species or two...and work more toward a harvestable ammount,,,
Mine is effecient, but not quite as "pretty"...


and folks that is the reason why I DON"T want a display fuge.
My fuge is not meant to look pretty it's meant for a job and it WILL
have a job to do. My display tank is to look pretty.


LFS has to tanks in the range we are looking.
15G 24x12x12 25.00 and some change.
20g Long 30x12x12 30.00 and some change.
My question is this.
How big does the sump NEED to be to be effcient? (I will be putting in the sump pump,skimmer,heaters?????)
We are going to use the 29g for a fuge. My Idea (at the moment) is that the fuge will will be going into a cabinet next to the display tank. If I can find one that I can lock and will support the tank.
Since we decided that. Should I start setting up the fuge as a fuge? Right now there is only water in it with heater, (poor poor skimmer) ounce I upgrade skimmer prizm will go in the fuge. A fuge does need a skimmer right? and a whisper filter which will be taken out to put one of my fluval in it. When we put the new tank in.
This is my first baby step.


Active Member
So we're back to the "stacked" system under the MT ...??
Have you been able to find the actual height you have under the stand (as far as stack and light height or skimmer limitations...?
We could "back down" to a single tank S/F system, but then you really limit effeciency of the sump (bubble control) and fuge (growing area) in the sizes you listed...


Can we have a sump under the stand and set up the fuge next to the stand?
If so that's what I want to do. I think that is the best that I am going to be able to do. UNLESS, I talk my husband into 100-120g. But that would mean upgrading everything. I dont think my budget could do that. Maybe if we DIY the stand and canopy. :thinking:
Then I would have to look up DIY for stand and canopy....Gosh I'm just lost....I will find my way. Hopfully



Originally posted by Squidd
Have you been able to find the actual height you have under the stand (as far as stack and light height or skimmer limitations...?

Nope I have sent him ANOTHER email asking him.


Active Member
Snuck one in on me there...(I was checking other sites for tank options)...
Great..if you can get the fuge outside the stand (stand of its own) a 20 long would be the best choice for the sump ...to handle the flow from the tank and still have room for "backwash"...
The skmmer will go in the sump under the main tank...and it would be best if you could "feed" the fuge "raw" tank water that wsa "diverted" from your overflow on it's way to the sump...
"KEEPING THAT IN MIND" (thinking ahead) "IF" you can set the fuge up so we can feed it raw tank water AND you have a way to get the water from the fuge to return pump chamber of the sump...THEN you can set up the fuge and start putting stuff in...
Water "in" is not a problem (as long as it's "low" enough to get flow from the overflows >which come out from under the tank< ) that's just plumbing...
Getting water out "may be a bit more of a problem, but....a 29 is a thin wall, glass tank that is easily drilled with basic tools at home...and a bulkhead installed..
Which has to be high enough to drain into the sump chamber...


I don't have room to set up the sump yet. I could set up the fuge on it's own I think..That tank is in my kitchen. But, It won't be able to be set-up next to the display because of furniture.


Active Member
On the other hand...:thinking:
We can save all kinds of glass drilling and pumbing issues "if" you could build/have some one build an "extra width" stand...
and then go with say a 50 gallon...36"x18"x18"...
Single tank S/F system, and "darn near" big enough to cover all the bases...
Unless your going for some "fine" Cherry or Oak "cabinetry"..a stand is a quick/easy and cheap to build....piece that you "could" save money on AND get what you want...
Unless your getting a really good deal on the stand and canopy with the tank...???


Just so you know.......................
I REALLY appreciate your help.........
I am so banging my head against the computer table right now.
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: what to do .......



Originally posted by Squidd
Cherry or Oak "cabinetry"..a stand is a quick/easy and cheap to build....piece that you "could" save money on AND get what you want...




Originally posted by Squidd
There's always....NANO Tanks.....


Thanks I needed that laugh.


Active Member
Here's a thought...
Will the 29 fit under the stand of the 55...???
With maybe just some "minor" modifications...???
(That's kind of where we started..:thinking: )


Active Member
OK...One last though before I head for bed...
A custom stand to hold you 55 underneath and the 90 on top...
At 48"x 13"X20"...it's just a couple inches wider (longer) than a standard 90 stand...(and not much deeper)
You already own the tank...
And you could probably get it built to match the canopy from G.C....