LFS has to tanks in the range we are looking.
15G 24x12x12 25.00 and some change.
20g Long 30x12x12 30.00 and some change.
My question is this.
How big does the sump NEED to be to be effcient? (I will be putting in the sump pump,skimmer,heaters?????)
We are going to use the 29g for a fuge. My Idea (at the moment) is that the fuge will will be going into a cabinet next to the display tank. If I can find one that I can lock and will support the tank.
Since we decided that. Should I start setting up the fuge as a fuge? Right now there is only water in it with heater, (poor poor skimmer) ounce I upgrade skimmer prizm will go in the fuge. A fuge does need a skimmer right? and a whisper filter which will be taken out to put one of my fluval in it. When we put the new tank in.
This is my first baby step.