Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Goodwin on a earlier post you said you had to move a fish to your 210 gallon tank. Tell me how the heck do you catch a fish in a 600 gallon tank? Harpoon?


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
Goodwin on a earlier post you said you had to move a fish to your 210 gallon tank. Tell me how the heck do you catch a fish in a 600 gallon tank? Harpoon?

That is an excellent question.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
That is an excellent question.

The Achillies tang was being bullied by a couple of the Yellow tangs and hiding out by the back overflow. Two nets and had him caught. I think that he was ready to leave the tank....


Active Member
haha not sure if anyone caught this or not but in post 29 there is a pic and it says 666...hmm hope you dont have too much trouble with your are like my hero i love ALL of your tanks
i have no idea how you afford it and have enough time for them all and go to those jobs that you are supposivly saying you have
lol i am soooooo jealous
well good luck on the tank keep us updated with more pics...also i would like to see your fish list again its prob changed....hmmm i wonder how much money you have lost in dead fish and corals and you have an estimate..or would you rather not think about it, that would be understood


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
haha not sure if anyone caught this or not but in post 29 there is a pic and it says 666...hmm hope you dont have too much trouble with your are like my hero i love ALL of your tanks
i have no idea how you afford it and have enough time for them all and go to those jobs that you are supposivly saying you have
lol i am soooooo jealous
well good luck on the tank keep us updated with more pics...also i would like to see your fish list again its prob changed....hmmm i wonder how much money you have lost in dead fish and corals and you have an estimate..or would you rather not think about it, that would be understood
An update list huh...I'm afraid that if I post one I'll have not only the tang police but every other enforcement officer down on my back.... I can hear it now, too many fish..
As far as losses, fish haven't been bad, its the corals that bother me most. Don't have a dollar amount, but maybe a I can post a picture of the losses. Good news is that I haven't lost a clam (knock on wood), and haven't be able to keep in my other two big tanks. No losses with softies or zoos, and all 3 horsehoe crabs are present and accounted for. I stopped keeping track of fish several weeks ago, but I see if I can't get an inventory of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I stopped keeping track of fish several weeks ago, but I see if I can't get an inventory of the tank.
Oh to have a tank so big with so many fish, I can't keep track of them. Well I guess I can dream.


I just got home from a week's hospital stay (the unplanned type), and just had to check in on your tank. I sat and watched all of your tanks last night and as usual, I enjoyed every minute of it. My daughter kept good care of my little 29g biocube while I was gone. Still have to do a water change and clean the glass, but I'm still on the weak side so hopefully it can wait for a couple more days. My water tests were all pretty good, ph down to 7.8 and nitrates up to .5, all else perfect. Nothing that a good water change won't fix. Everyone seems healthy and happy otherwise. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to view your beautiful tanks as well as my own. I have found doing this is very therapeutic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
I just got home from a week's hospital stay (the unplanned type), and just had to check in on your tank. I sat and watched all of your tanks last night and as usual, I enjoyed every minute of it. My daughter kept good care of my little 29g biocube while I was gone. Still have to do a water change and clean the glass, but I'm still on the weak side so hopefully it can wait for a couple more days. My water tests were all pretty good, ph down to 7.8 and nitrates up to .5, all else perfect. Nothing that a good water change won't fix. Everyone seems healthy and happy otherwise. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to view your beautiful tanks as well as my own. I have found doing this is very therapeutic.
I am glad you enjoyed and hope that you are doing well. If you ever get to South Dakota, make sure that you stop. The tanks are much nicer in person.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
I see a powder blue tang today, giving it another try huh?

One more try, this one seems to have avoided coming down with ick so far. Out and about and not hiding.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
I am glad you enjoyed and hope that you are doing well. If you ever get to South Dakota, make sure that you stop. The tanks are much nicer in person.....
I'll definitely do that, thanks!


Originally Posted by dksart
Hope you feel well soon, Nana!

Thank you! I'm doing much better, 2 more days of IV antiobiotic to go, yay!


Originally Posted by goodwin9
One more try, this one seems to have avoided coming down with ick so far. Out and about and not hiding.

I wish you luck, he seemed pretty active on the left side of the tank Thursday morning.