Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

ledzep fan

Active Member
so what is your fish list for that tank? I would get an Achilles Tang and some of the more "showy" fish. Looks great so far.


Active Member
We got half of the lights installed and thought that I would take a few pictures of the rock work. The water is slowly clearing so these aren't the best.
The first two shots are of the right side which is my favorite.

Center section in the tank

Left side of tank.

This is a full shot of the tank, you can tell that there is still a lot of work to be done by the skimmer and some adjustments need to be made to the return nozzles

Here is a shot of the skimmer after running for 2 days.


Active Member
Very Very Nice... That tank is amazing.. If I could have a tank like that id get some sharks! Cannot wait to see this think running!! Are you going to finish the basement around the tank so you can add acouch and some lights?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Very Very Nice... That tank is amazing.. If I could have a tank like that id get some sharks! Cannot wait to see this think running!! Are you going to finish the basement around the tank so you can add acouch and some lights?
Thank you, that's the plan, but one project at a time.......


Active Member
Very nice rock work! So did they use any type of glue, or ties to put the rock together, or are they just sitting on top of each other?


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Very nice rock work! So did they use any type of glue, or ties to put the rock together, or are they just sitting on top of each other?
No glue or ties, just carefuly placed rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
No glue or ties, just carefuly placed rock.
Wow, I am going to try and copy the work when I set up my tiny 125 gallon tank.
I'm having fun watching this bad boy go up.


so im guessing since ur having sharks than u cant do corals and stuff, cuz the'll eat them right? nice looking tank. how much has tht cost so far, because i would really want to do a tank like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AAnthony
so im guessing since ur having sharks than u cant do corals and stuff, cuz the'll eat them right? nice looking tank. how much has tht cost so far, because i would really want to do a tank like that.
No sharks for this tank, already have a tank set up for them. This tank if SPS corals and compatible fish. Haven't come up with stocking list yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
No sharks for this tank, already have a tank set up for them. This tank if SPS corals and compatible fish. Haven't come up with stocking list yet.
Oh, I want to see the shark tank!!!! Is there another thread showing this one?