Start of one "BIG" SPS tank



I think im going to have to get TWO extra jobs so I can have a huge tank like that! Wow im jealous!


Active Member
Now began the fun part of putting all of the pieces back together. First problem was getting all of the pipe down the overflows with the duckwork above the tank.

Most everything had been marked so it was a matter of mathing up the numbers.

A special stand was built for the canister filters to hold them at an angle that would allow for easy servicing under the stand.



Active Member
Had to call in the electrician today to get enough outlets to power this tank up. Didn't have enough power so had to upgrade the panel. Another "not thought of in the beginning"
Old panel just didn't have enough avaiable room for the tank.

New panel gave enough room for the additional circuits.

Here are the new outlets, 4 20 amp circuits. Can hardly wait for the first electrical bill.


Active Member
I'm going to do one last tank which is going to be be my biggest, and final project
i cant wait until you email me and tell me your getting another tank!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i cant wait until you email me and tell me your getting another tank!!!!

I have no more power, space, or money for another tank. This is the final one, unless I build a public aquarium.


Active Member
hahaha.. im going to bookmark this thread! Then ic an say I TOLD YOU SO...hahaha
it looks awesome though.. its gunna be a kick butt system


Active Member
How much fun is this going to be!.....I just go the quote back on a custom 360 with pretty much the same equipment and design, thought about it and decided to wait a little because the jump to a 600 wasn't going to cost much more. What salt do you plan on using (TMPRO?) and whats the initial live stock list? Do you already have the corals in a prop system or are you looking to purchase as you go? Have you decided on k ratings on bulbs? I've been working on a concept of using a timed sytem of 6500k to mimic midday and then following up with 10k or 14k to colorup. I have no idea if this would work but from what I've read the 6500k is great for growth and I figure they could run while I'm at work and then have the 10k or greater fire up later in the day as this may create a natural intense/fade of natural lighting?


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
How much fun is this going to be!.....I just go the quote back on a custom 360 with pretty much the same equipment and design, thought about it and decided to wait a little because the jump to a 600 wasn't going to cost much more. What salt do you plan on using (TMPRO?) and whats the initial live stock list? Do you already have the corals in a prop system or are you looking to purchase as you go? Have you decided on k ratings on bulbs? I've been working on a concept of using a timed sytem of 6500k to mimic midday and then following up with 10k or 14k to colorup. I have no idea if this would work but from what I've read the 6500k is great for growth and I figure they could run while I'm at work and then have the 10k or greater fire up later in the day as this may create a natural intense/fade of natural lighting?
Remeber the old saying, "Bigger is Better", I hope it turns out to be true, right now, I'm feeling "Bigger is Bigger Headaches". Hopefully a month or two from now, I will be able to say the first is more acurate saying.
For this tank, I am going to start using Red Sea Pro Coral salt. I've not used it before in any of my other tanks, but have read good things about it, so am going to give it a shot. I've been using Instant Ocean Reef Crystals in my other reef tanks, but thought that I would give Red Sea a try.
I've given the project of stocking the tank with SPS corals to a local aquarium society member whose has been doing it right for a number of years. He is going to supply all of the frags from his tanks and place them in my tank for me. If my tank turns out to look half as good as his, I will be happy!
For lighting, I have decided to go with 2 Coralife Aqualight Pro fixtures accross the back portion of the tank, and 3 Lumen Max 2 pendants in front above the openings in the tank. The Coralife fixtures have 250 W 10K MH bulbs in them and the Lumen Max pendants will have 400 W 14K Ushio bulbs.
I think this combination should work out for the corals, and give an appearance and color that I like.



Goodwin, can you please email me the name of the company you purchased your tank and stand from?
I have a few clients I clean tanks for that might be interested in a build from these guys.


WOW What a set up Can hide money!!! If you don't mind me askiing at this point what was the cost total/W new electrical, and maybe a breakdown of each.


Active Member
Just finished picking up 500 lbs of hand picked live rock at the airport for the tank. (Where was all of the help for this?) I'm worn out hauling this around.


Is that your Frag tank in the background of one of the pictures? Post some pics of it... ***)
Is your friend going to put the rock into the tank like he did on you last tank? Is he going to do it tonight? Your going to photograph the whole thing and post it step-by-step right? :jumping:


WOW that is INSANE. I wish i could do something like that. :thinking:
What will be your stock list :happyfish