Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
Awesome as usual Goodwin.
Can I asked a question? What are the Mangroves for? Refugium?
Thank you!!
Yes they are, right now, the problem I have is the refugiums are deeper than the mangroves and you want to keep the leaves out of the water. I trying to come up with some sort of floating them in the refulgium, or once the leaves start to develope, I may try and place the egg crate in the refugium and keep them suspended in the sump. Got to get some leaves first......


Active Member
bangguy rigged a floating setup for mangroves. i think its in the thread requesting updated pictures, or you could just call him out


Active Member
You had 2 boxes for 2 fish again? How big is the other? And they put that fish pictured above in it's own box? how big is it?


You just keep adding more fish
If you run out of room I will take the black tang of your hands.


Active Member
I also picked up a pair of Purple Tile fish. Hard fish to photograph. Not only was it darting in and out of the rocks, the the color was hard to get right?
