Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
That black tang is amazing! Such a beautiful specimin. Does it always have that coloration or does it change with mood like the other fish?
And its cool that you point out the little fish too. I think I would forget what fish I have half that time if I had that many. You seem to care about each and every little one.
And just wondering... is that coraline growing around your sand in that last pic? that's crazy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
That black tang is amazing! Such a beautiful specimin. Does it always have that coloration or does it change with mood like the other fish?
And its cool that you point out the little fish too. I think I would forget what fish I have half that time if I had that many. You seem to care about each and every little one.
And just wondering... is that coraline growing around your sand in that last pic? that's crazy!
The coloration seems to remain the sameon the tang. That blueish grey stripe does lighten and darken some, but it may be due to the fish hiding in the cave and then coming out in the light.
That picture is at the very front of the tank where the current has blown away the sand. Ther is coraline growth on the bottom acrylic of the tank.


Active Member
Goodwin can you do me a favor can you PM me your contact where you had this tank built I get to get a massive new one in a couple years and am leaning either with Acrylic or the new Marineland system. If possible I want to go with say a 470 or so and have a nice Fowlor tank I can just see my Blue Hippo and yellow tang in that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Goodwin can you do me a favor can you PM me your contact where you had this tank built I get to get a massive new one in a couple years and am leaning either with Acrylic or the new Marineland system. If possible I want to go with say a 470 or so and have a nice Fowlor tank I can just see my Blue Hippo and yellow tang in that.
PM Sent


Active Member
QUESTION for all of the MATH people out there;
My Clown tang is doing laps in the tank. If it is swimig the length of the tank, lets say 9 feet then 3 feet to the back, then another 9 feet to the other end and 3 feet back to the front. I have timed it's laps and it is traveling this path in 12 seconds.
Can anyone tell me how fast it is swimming? For some reason, it has been doing this most of the day. Check out the cam and it still may be swimming the laps. Just curious what that distance equals speed. (I was never very good in math)


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Haha it just keeps doing it over and over and over!
I see it stop and pick at a rock every couple of laps and some times takes a short cut through the cave on the right side, but other wise it has been doing this since 11 this morning when I first noticed it happening.
It's making me dizzy watching.


Active Member
I redid my mangove setup with the addition of some lights and used some egg great to better hold them up right since they are not planted in any sand. Roots seem to be growing, but still no leaves. Maybe the lights will make a difference.



Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I got a call from the LFS telling me that they got in some things I should stop in and take a look at. BIG mistake, left with more than I should have. The best find in the group was a juvenile Mystery Wrasse about 2" in length. I took a few pictures of it in the bags incase it decided to head for the rocks once released. I did manage to get a couple of shots while it was in the corner before it had time to explore the rest of the tank. I was glad to see that none of the other wrasses in the tank seemed to mind the addition.

LOVE the mystery wrasse
They are one of my favorite fish. I just wish they werent so darn expensive


Active Member
I did pick up three tangs this week at the LFS. They are small with the smallest a little over an inch and a half and the largest at about 3" There was some confusion as to exactly what they were so they gave me a deal for all 3.



Originally Posted by goodwin9
I did pick up three tangs this week at the LFS. They are small with the smallest a little over an inch and a half and the largest at about 3" There was some confusion as to exactly what they were so they gave me a deal for all 3.

Those are all magnificent!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kayak385
Those are all magnificent!!!
I thought so, the tiny one has to develope a little before I can really say whether or not I like it. It is supposed to be a Ring Tail Blochi. I should mention that I didn't put these in the big tank because of their size. Right not they are in the frag tank...