Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Just to give you an idea, here are 14 months of empty salt buckets. I was afraid to count how many ther are......



Goodwin, how come everyone seems to doubt your experience with reefs? I have noticed that this is not the first person to ask you about your bio-load. How long have you been keeping aquariums btw? Chevrons are one of my favorite fish. One will definitely be a first addition if I ever go with a large tank (300gallons+).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandan
Goodwin, how come everyone seems to doubt your experience with reefs? I have noticed that this is not the first person to ask you about your bio-load. How long have you been keeping aquariums btw? Chevrons are one of my favorite fish. One will definitely be a first addition if I ever go with a large tank (300gallons+).
I don't think that people are doubting my experience as much as they question the number of fish that I have put it my tanks. I feel that those are fair questions. I wish that people could see my tanks in person to better understand what goes on besides all of the fish in the tank.
As far as my experience, I have been keeping saltwater fish for almost 5 years now, fresh, much longer.
Several years ago, I had a nice Chevron that was in my 210. When the time came to move everything from that tank into the new 470, the Chevron never quite adjusted to the new tank. I'm not sure why, but I lost the fish along with a few others in the move. One would think moving everything into a tank more than double the size would be an easy transition, but for a few it wasn't.
I've held back in adding one to this tank, first, because they have been hard to find. Second, I was a little afraid of adding a smaller tang with all of the big ones that are in the tank.
I got a call about this one, it's in that 3 ~ 4" size range and still has most of it's juvi markings. The price was right, so I thought that I would give it a try. Now that it's in the tank, I see that it has taken cover in the cave.
My Powder Blue tang seems to be the fish that gives new arrivials the most trouble. It chased after both the Black tang, and Achilles that I added a while back even though they were much larger than the PBT. Hopefully it will give the new Chevron some space and let it be.


It's to bad that the black tang doesn't like its picture taken.. It is such a beautiful fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
It's to bad that the black tang doesn't like its picture taken.. It is such a beautiful fish.
I haven't given up hope. Do do need to clean the tank so that I can get a good picture when it is out.


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Originally Posted by TriGa22
I counted 60+ buckets and coming from an online retailer that equals roughly $2,275 dollars in just SALT!
Thank you for pointing that out
. I figure that I use between 5 & 6 buckets a month, that's a smaller $ amount and doesn't seem quite so bad.....


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Well, after cleaning the tank, I was able to get a few pictures of the Black tang. Of course, the one snail I didn't knock off the acrylic got in the middle of the pictures...



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My little Helfrichi Firefish have been missing in action for the past week until today when I was cleaning the tank, I noticed one of the popping it's head from out beneath one of the rocks near the front of the tank. It's anyones guess where the second one may be hiding....