Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
I have always wanted to see you feed your fish, and I just did! That is a heck of alot of food!
I also got a great view of the black tang out in front!

There are a lot of mouths to feed in the big tank..


Active Member
Found my box of clamps, got them installed , turned on the pump and everything worked as planned. (amazing!). Now I hav two less maxijets in the sump to worry about and I can get the third reactor online!



Active Member
Hey, Chuck...glad to see you still posting over here. I looked for this thread, the other day, but must've overlooked it. I was reading all 9 million pages of it, over on --, but got tired of reading the posts by all the weiners! "'re dumb! You're tank is gonna crash! You have no idea what you're doing!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Hey, Chuck...glad to see you still posting over here. I looked for this thread, the other day, but must've overlooked it. I was reading all 9 million pages of it, over on --, but got tired of reading the posts by all the weiners! "'re dumb! You're tank is gonna crash! You have no idea what you're doing!"
Glad you made it back. I always appreciate your opinions. I guess that everyone is free to express their opinions on --, or any forum for that matter, but they sure ganged up on me over there. I really wish that there were a way that everyone would have a chance to see the tanks in person, I think that many would leave with a little different perspective. I should have visitors fill out comment cards prior to leaving and post their comments, good or bad, it doesn't matter. I DO listen to everyone's constructive criticism. 95% of the problems I have had with this tank have been a result of errors on my part, or some equipment failure. The BIG "Crash" some predicted on --, hasn't happened in over a year of the tank being setup. (Knock on wood).


Active Member
There is no reason you can't run ALOT of fish, with a beefy enough filtration system and plenty of room. I don't see the difference between your bioload and a lot of professional aquariums. And your setup was massive, as far as filtration goes. IMO alot of that was so they can go tell their little friends see I told him so. And get their props for knowing more than someone else.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Glad you made it back. I always appreciate your opinions. I guess that everyone is free to express their opinions on --, or any forum for that matter, but they sure ganged up on me over there. I really wish that there were a way that everyone would have a chance to see the tanks in person, I think that many would leave with a little different perspective. I should have visitors fill out comment cards prior to leaving and post their comments, good or bad, it doesn't matter. I DO listen to everyone's constructive criticism. 95% of the problems I have had with this tank have been a result of errors on my part, or some equipment failure. The BIG "Crash" some predicted on --, hasn't happened in over a year of the tank being setup. (Knock on wood).
I think your test results prove that "The Big Crash" is not happening anytime soon. 3ppm of Nitrate????? I've seen lightly stock tanks that have readings higher than this, I don't think you have much to worry about. . .
Keep up the good work.


Active Member
I've tried several different settings on my camera, but just can't find the right ones to get a decent picture of the Black tang.


coral keeper

Active Member
Hey goodwin9, I know the EXACT fish you should get!! Its called Tanelephant. It looks AMAZING!! Here is a picture of the Tanelephant. They ARE EXTREMELY rare!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey goodwin9, I know the EXACT fish you should get!! Its called Tanelephant. It looks AMAZING!! Here is a picture of the Tanelephant. They ARE EXTREMELY rare!!!

A tang such as that would require it's very own tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
There is no reason you can't run ALOT of fish, with a beefy enough filtration system and plenty of room. I don't see the difference between your bioload and a lot of professional aquariums. And your setup was massive, as far as filtration goes. IMO alot of that was so they can go tell their little friends see I told him so. And get their props for knowing more than someone else.

Originally Posted by Brandan

I think your test results prove that "The Big Crash" is not happening anytime soon. 3ppm of Nitrate????? I've seen lightly stock tanks that have readings higher than this, I don't think you have much to worry about. . .
Keep up the good work.

Some might question whether there is a lot of room in my tank with the number of fish, and there probably isn't as much as should be. I would never recomend someone stocking at this same level. It makes for a heck of a lot of work and expense. If one had asked before water was put in the tank if I had plans of putting nearly 100 fish in the tank, I would have laughed.

So now I have to deal with the situation and things have been very stable in my opinion. Test results from AWT show that this tank has better water quality than does my 470 and 210. Go figure

I'm not out to prove "I'm right..your wrong" to anyone, just want to share my experience with this and my other tanks with others... Your comments are appreciated!!