Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


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Got the fittings put on the new pump and attatched it to the sump. Filled the sump, primed the pumps and turned them on. Both fired up and NO DRIPS OR LEAKS from the bulkheads.


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In all, it took about two hours to drain the sump, remove the pumps, replaced the defective pump, reattach the pumps, and fill the sump. Everything worked GREAT! There was only ONE SMALL PROBLEM..........................


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Willy made one BIG mistake before he left my home. He FORGOT to remind me to shut off the water filling the sump. Of course, after he left, I made some dinner and after finishing, I went down stairs to feed the tank and saw water every where. The 3 water alarms had been moved from the tank several days ago with all of the issues I was having with water, so I had no idea that the sump was over flowing. As best as I can figure from the level salt mixing tank was at before the night started and from what it took to fill the sump up back to it's normal level after reinstalling the pumps, I figure I added another 60 gallons to the sump, most of which ended up on the floor once again. This is getting to be a regular thing. I might as well fill the entire basement and make it one big tank..........
Well, I am going back to E-Bay to order 5 more alarms and strategically them around the basement. (areas the water runs to when something goes wrong or I over fill the sump.).
Good thing about this is I was filling with salt water and NOT RO water. Now I guess that I don't have to do a water change this week.


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I went to feed the carpet anemone only to find it had found something else to eat. Couldn't quite tell from the tail what it was eating.


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Originally Posted by Kevin34
Why do I see white spots on it? Same goes for the pale lipped tang and achilles. It must be the glass

I should have cleaned the acrylic before taking the pictures, just ran out of time dring the day...