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Well as Im now temporarily out of a job, the tank is kind of at a stand still. Everything is doing fine, no casualties. Shrimp is getting bigger and everything is getting along.
I was reading up on the goby-pistol shrimp combo. What do you all think about how that would work out in my tank. For reference, I plan on adding the following fish, so let me know if something might rock the boat:
1 Black and White False Percula clown
1 True Percula
1 Six-line Wrasse
And for the goby-pistol shrimp, the goby being a yellow watchman, and a pistol shrimp being just that. I do have some hermits, snails, and a cleaner shrimp.
Tell me what you all think!! Thanks
EDIT: I didnt expect to get another paycheck in the mail. Ya'll know where Im going with this. Ill post pics hopefully within the next week of my FIRST corals!
I wouldn't put single clowns of different types in the same tank. some people do mixed pairs, like 2 percs and 2 ocellaris, in really big tanks, usually over 100gal. The reasoning there is that there will be plenty of room for each pair to claim their own territory. But putting 2 single clowns of different types in a smaller tank is asking for trouble; one will likely kill the other. Hope that helps.