Startin up a 24gal AqPod Reef


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That sucks, sorry to hear it. Hope they make it through the hypo! Good luck. I like all the new corals tank is coming along nicely!!!!


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Originally Posted by peef
That sucks, sorry to hear it. Hope they make it through the hypo! Good luck. I like all the new corals tank is coming along nicely!!!!
Thank you. About hypo and ick, is that the only reef-safe route to go? No medications? Im thinking about just removing the fish and letting the tank sit fish-free for a good 6-7 weeks. I think that would be long enough as I read somewhere?


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Originally Posted by paintballer768
Thank you. About hypo and ick, is that the only reef-safe route to go? No medications? Im thinking about just removing the fish and letting the tank sit fish-free for a good 6-7 weeks. I think that would be long enough as I read somewhere?

Yea the only thing you can do for your DT is to let it sit fish free. And I did mine for 8 weeks just to be sure. Keep up with your water changes and ghost feed a couple times a week.


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Alright. Due to me having school all day, my father was going to the LFS to handle the returns and credits and such (Its day 3 and they have a 7 day guarantee thankfully). I hope he doesnt come home with some copper-filled medication.
To be honest I might be tempted to try it, but Im moving the corals to a neighbor or friend if I do. Im not losing my ric! Lol


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Originally Posted by paintballer768
Alright. Due to me having school all day, my father was going to the LFS to handle the returns and credits and such (Its day 3 and they have a 7 day guarantee thankfully). I hope he doesnt come home with some copper-filled medication.
To be honest I might be tempted to try it, but Im moving the corals to a neighbor or friend if I do. Im not losing my ric! Lol
Inverts and all remember nothing in your tank will survive copper treatment (unless its fish) and even then you must monitor. Although I dont recomend it, if you do decide to treat your DT buy a copper test kit. Test frequently and remember that there are different stages to the life cycle of ich. If copper is the way you are leaning toward you may have to treat multiple times.


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So I got home, and my father spoke with the people at the LFS. So with the firefish, he didnt die from ick, he had no white dots or anything, he only died. The LFS lady said that with firefish, during the first 48 hours or so in the new home they go a bit crazy and jump, and sometimes beat themselves to death. Due to where I found him, I think he was trying to dig out a hole and it shifted my LR structure slightly, and he got squished.
The clownfish is a big bundle of headache. So apparently theres some kind of disease that only clownfish get, and it doesnt affect anything else in the aquarium. I dont have a name for it, but it looks just like ick, and it covers the clownfish like it too. For clowns these days (with the numbers for sale and all) its kind of a 50/50 shot whether or not it will have it. They CAN recover naturally from it but usually they dont. The lady at the LFS we've personally known for some time now, and she said quietly, out of the 30 clowns in the tank, theyve lost 5 in the store to the same illness. I found this out during school, and figured, great my clown is going to die and they wont refund it (but they did the firefish). So I came home just now, and the clownfish looks like it never had any problems and it just got a fresh coat of paint on it! No dots at all, except for some residue on its snout area and on the back fin. Amazing little guy!
So it wasnt ick at all but just an unlucky choice in fish. Its not using one of its side fins, as if its a paraplegic on that fin, but he is swimming great. I truely have a Nemo.
I tested the water for ammonia and nitrites and because there was a dead fish, the nitrites are about 0.25. Im doing a water change to remove those, and fulfill the directions on the red slime remover as well. So, all is good in the world of my aquarium hahaha. Sorry for the wall of text.


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Be cautious of using Red Slime remover. Most treatments are just dosing your tank with some sort of antibiotic, typically its erithromycin (sp) and while this will kill your cyano bacteria, it will also have an effect on your benificial bacteria as well. And will most certainly spike your nitrates. Keep a close eye on them and frequent water changes is typically a necessity.
IMO I would post what the LFS person told you about the disese your clown has. Ich has different stages of life and while your fish may not look affected by it. This may just be one of the stages where the parasites drop off the body to reproduce and free swim in your water column. I really hope I am wrong, and not being experienced in fish diseses cannot say for sure this is your scenario. Just want you to be as informed as you can be. Beth would most definatly be able to give you some insight.


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Originally Posted by SteeliaThunder
your pics look good! cant wait to see updates as your corals grow. glad the clown is ok.
Thank you!! Im glad too haha
Originally Posted by PerfectDark

Be cautious of using Red Slime remover. Most treatments are just dosing your tank with some sort of antibiotic, typically its erithromycin (sp) and while this will kill your cyano bacteria, it will also have an effect on your benificial bacteria as well. And will most certainly spike your nitrates. Keep a close eye on them and frequent water changes is typically a necessity.
IMO I would post what the LFS person told you about the disese your clown has. Ich has different stages of life and while your fish may not look affected by it. This may just be one of the stages where the parasites drop off the body to reproduce and free swim in your water column. I really hope I am wrong, and not being experienced in fish diseses cannot say for sure this is your scenario. Just want you to be as informed as you can be. Beth would most definatly be able to give you some insight.
Im not familiar with the life stages of ick, so I didnt consider this. Ill post something over in the Disease and Treatment area and see if anyone has any information about it. Thanks for that. I dont know what the LFS said because my father went and hes doesnt have all that good of a memory.

As far as the Red Slime Remover, it supposedly only treats the symptoms. The instructions state that treat the tank and wait 48 hours for it to take full effect. Then a water change is necessary. So today is the 48 hour mark and Im going to be doing the change. It says it may be dosed again, but a water change must be performed again 48 hours later after dosing. Ill keep a good eye on the nitrate levels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
As far as the Red Slime Remover, it supposedly only treats the symptoms. The instructions state that treat the tank and wait 48 hours for it to take full effect. Then a water change is necessary. So today is the 48 hour mark and Im going to be doing the change. It says it may be dosed again, but a water change must be performed again 48 hours later after dosing. Ill keep a good eye on the nitrate levels.
Yea... you will notice that your trates will indeed go up, more than one water change will be necessary, and yes it only treats the symptoms so finding the cause is now essential. Also dont be suprised to see some coraline algea turn white and disappear. Its all effects of the treatment, as with coraline algea disintigrating any coral that uses this as a base will also fade off. It wont kill coral but will have an effect to how it spreads.. just an FYI.


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Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yea... you will notice that your trates will indeed go up, more than one water change will be necessary, and yes it only treats the symptoms so finding the cause is now essential. Also dont be suprised to see some coraline algea turn white and disappear. Its all effects of the treatment, as with coraline algea disintigrating any coral that uses this as a base will also fade off. It wont kill coral but will have an effect to how it spreads.. just an FYI.
It requires me to do a water change after each dosing, and I have LFS water at my house so Ill be able to do those no problem. The cause was pinpointed down to it being the phosphates, so Ive got a phosphate sponge/pad in the filtration area right now on day 2/4. Im already seeing the remover and phosphate eliminate the cyano.
Hell, I wish I had some coralline algae haha. Its only on my LR, and some pieces at that. Dont know why it hasnt bloomed around the rest of my tank, because I honestly dont have much algae at any time, besides the recent freakout of cyano.


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Turns out the clown has brooklynella. The treatment for it outweighs the value of the fish, so I hate to say it but it either fights it and lives or it doesnt make it. Then Ill be in the market for some new fish with store credits in hand. Im thinking Maroon Clownfish and a Bangaii Cardinal (maybe mated pair.)


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Long time no update. Well tomorrow Im getting my sun coral (faulkneri) in. My friends dad gets em wholesale and is going to try to hook me up. Apparently due to turbulence over in Indonesia right now, its quite limited what the wholesalers get, and many have received their last shipments for the year.
So hopefully Ill be getting a Sun Coral. He also recommended that I get a sand sifting goby. The most colorful one available. They get a big large for a 24gal but when it gets fully grown he can replace it for free (or just something to fill its spot) and take that one off my hands.
The green polyps have about 5-6 new buds on em, to the point where theyre coloring up, and everythings doing great! Found hitchhiker clams in the LS and hitchhiker mini white brittle stars!


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Well nobody is commenting, but anyways. I got a sun coral today and a diamond goby. Acclimating right now. Hope all goes well. Happy Holidays everyone!

I take care of a lot of off shore divers that work on platforms in the gulf deep water.....the legs of these things are covered with tons of sun coral and small brains of variuos types....working on a way to get them from the rig to shore....if you are interested let me know


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Updated pictures! I won the battle with the diatoms. Still not sure what caused it but theyre gone. My camera skills are horrible, so sorry for some other the shaky pictures. For the most part theyre decipherable.
#1 is a slightly blurry FTS.
#2 is my attempt at capturing a shot of my Diamond Goby.
#3 is the big bad one of them all, my new sun coral!
The sun just got fed and was still slightly open. The tentacles arent extending yet as its the 2nd day of being in my tank, but they are coming out and going about less than 1/4 inch, and does respond to food. Hopefully it will get more and more open so I can feed it more conveniently.
There IS some dead skeleton on it and some areas where there had once been polyps on it. The other side, not pictured, is just a rock and theres no polyps on that part. Hopefully with daily feedings of mixed cyclops/brine it will regrow and get bigger. Does this sound good or am I off my rocker?



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Day 3. Diamond goby died.
. When I found him, the upper half (the head half) was being driven into the sand by my LR. Assuming it shifted. It really sucks to keep going through fish like this on such a limited budget.


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So, alot has happened since I last posted. Tubastrea is opening alot better and polyp extension is great. Daily feedings are really helping out.
I went out and spent some money on about 2 lbs of LR rubble, so I can position it the way I like. And Id say that the tank is done as far as LR and new rock work.
PLEASE DONT HANG ME FOR THE FOLLOWING. I went out with christmas money in hand and got 2 new fish. A coral beauty angel and a maroon clown. Both about 2" long. Yes I know they will grow. Im hoping by then that my mom caves in and lets my dad get a tank since hes been wanting his 125 back before we moved.
Water is cloudy since I added pH buffer and calcium suppliment today. Pictures tomorrow of my new beauties. Both had been at the LFS in their own cubicles for at least 2 weeks before I bought them and I was watching them. No signs of disease or anything, and Im hoping it stays that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
So, alot has happened since I last posted. Tubastrea is opening alot better and polyp extension is great. Daily feedings are really helping out.
I went out and spent some money on about 2 lbs of LR rubble, so I can position it the way I like. And Id say that the tank is done as far as LR and new rock work.
PLEASE DONT HANG ME FOR THE FOLLOWING. I went out with christmas money in hand and got 2 new fish. A coral beauty angel and a maroon clown. Both about 2" long. Yes I know they will grow. Im hoping by then that my mom caves in and lets my dad get a tank since hes been wanting his 125 back before we moved.
Water is cloudy since I added pH buffer and calcium suppliment today. Pictures tomorrow of my new beauties. Both had been at the LFS in their own cubicles for at least 2 weeks before I bought them and I was watching them. No signs of disease or anything, and Im hoping it stays that way.

HMMMM Ok ok I wont say anything about the fish seeing as though you obviously know.
What I am going to ask you is why are you buffering? What is your water change schedule? And how is your chemistry right after your water change? And lastly how many days after your water change do you notice your calc, and pH dropping off? Whats your Alk?