Startin up a 24gal AqPod Reef


Active Member
Ammonia - near 0...taking a good shot at saying its 0.25 ppm
Nitrate - 20 ppm.
Nitrite - 0.5 ppm
Alkalinity - 300 pmm (In the "Ideal" range)
pH - 7.8 - 7.9
Tomorrow Im going to get the PH and some RO water. Let it circulate in the bucket for a bit, then add it. Hopefully see the Trates and Trites go down and the pH go up. Then I hope to be in good shape
Im getting anxious to add the cleanup crew, because if you could see the tank right now theres a lot of hairy green algae thats growing. So I say eat up cleanup crew!
Any suggestions as to what and how many of each I should buy?


Active Member
So....I went down to the LFS. They had water that they put under UV lights to kill everything and they handed me test results on it before I bought it, so it seemed ok to buy it, and I was short on cash and couldnt afford salt to add.
And I did the water change, 50%, about 3-4 hrs ago.
Just tested it and......
SG - 1.026
Nitrates - 20 ppm
Nitrites - 0 ppm
Ammonia - 0 ppm
Alk - 300 ppm
pH - 7.8 - 7.10
I need to up the pH, but otherwise NO MORE CYCLING!!!

That means, cleanup crew!! and coral order!! Im going to order 2 corals from, none other than, Thanks for the help everybody, especially PerfectDark and New2Salt1. Any advice getting the pH up? Ive got another gas canister (designated for saltwater of course) of water for next weeks water change.


Active Member
How can I increase the pH? The water change didnt do it as I expected, but other than the pH, things are all clear for live stock. FINALLY!!
Cleanup crew addition by the end of the weekend hopefully, and they can get to work on this forest Ive created unintentionally. Could the algae be affecting anything, in particular the pH?
Also, my first order is going to be a Green Ric and Green Eye Zoo colony from This place kicks my LFS's butt on price, and SWF is located about 1 1/2 hrs from me so it works out good.
So please comment, and some help on the pH would be appreciated so much. Ill be sure to let you all know how the transaction, and etc goes with SWF. Thanks


i was thinkin' about buyin an 24 gallon nano tank and was just wondering how hard it was to take care of


Originally Posted by clyde:)
i was thinkin' about buyin an 24 gallon nano tank and was just wondering how hard it was to take care of

As long as you keep up to your water changes, and not over stock it's pretty easy. Ohh and don't forget to clean it...


Active Member
The tanks easy to take care of. Every week do a small water change, test the water, wipe the glass and water jets, stir up the sand, the usual.
You can buy this tank online at alot of places. They also have a few different models. Mine is 7051. I would recommend going to the manufacturer's website, (not a competitor). Theyve got a few different kinds with small changes on each.
Hope it helps


Active Member
If your PH is low it might mean cal is high and alk is low. It can also mean that you are not having a substantial amount of oxygen exchange. When are you testing also? Ph is lowered overnight so the best time to test would be right before the lights go off. If you were testing first thing in the morning it would always provide a low reading.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
If your PH is low it might mean cal is high and alk is low. It can also mean that you are not having a substantial amount of oxygen exchange. When are you testing also? Ph is lowered overnight so the best time to test would be right before the lights go off. If you were testing first thing in the morning it would always provide a low reading.
Hmm thanks for the info. My alk is fairly decent, in the "Ideal" range on the test kit. To put it out there, its 300 ppm.
Im thinking its the oxygen, but whats weird is that my tank has the most bubbles generated by the jets than any other tank Ive seen. The bubbles make it down fairly deep. The LFS had the same tank set up with some corals in it and a few fish, and it had almost no aeration, yet everything seemed to be fine.
Not sure, but Ill check it tonite before the lights go off. And post the results
Edit:2 PAGES!!!


Active Member
Ok, I thought about what really could be the problem. Honestly I know the aeration is fine, the alkalinity is fine too. Ive never tested for calcium, but I know there theres some kind of relationship between calcium and alkalinity, and the senario peef stated isnt the case for my tank.
So I think Im going to go out this week and buy some pH increaser, along with my cleanup crew and some LR.


Active Member
Ok I finally made my way down to the LFS. Picked up 5 blue legged hermits, 3 red striped snails, a skunk cleaner shrimp, 2 more pieces of LR, and some pH buffer.
Everything living I got seems to be doing great. Cleaner shrimp hiding for now but thats fine and normal. With the new LR, I made a cave sort of thing. Looks very nice, good flow through it, shaded. I put it in the tank, and about 5 minutes my dad goes, "What the hell is that thing?!" I had an aiptasia growing in a crevace. It looked very cool, but I decided to not give it a chance. I put some boiling water on the stove (distilled of course), took the rock out, and poured the water in the hole. No more aiptasia!
The LFS tested my pH at 7.7. So I got some pH buffer, added the dosage before adding any livestock, and like magic its 8.2, and hospitable for things to live in apparently. Nothing looks stressed at all. Theyre going to town at mowing down the forest Ive created.
Pics will be up soon.


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Found another hitch hiker. Looked like a snowflake on the glass. Using the sticky thread in the New Hobbists forum, it is a hydroid jellyfish. Very very tiny. I knocked it off the glass with the magfloat. Probably wont see it again.


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Nobody is commenting!
Come on.
Well last night, the lunar lights had been on for about 30 minutes. I come in the room, turn on the actinics and something ran across the bottom into a new piece of my LR. @#%!$
And I think but Im not sure, theres 1 empty hermit shell in the tank now. Uh oh. Thing I dont get is that its in the front of the tank, and he was the smallest one. That unknown guest may have had a snack. It moved so quickly and I was so tired I didnt get a chance to notice anything.


Active Member
Looks good... I really like the aquascaping...looks like you got some hair algea. Maybe a couple of emerald greens would help take care of that.


Active Member
Nice aquascape. One thing I was reading above is that you have loads of bubble in the tank. This is actually not a good thing like in a FW. The bubbles actually catch proteins amoung other things and cause them to rise to the surface, this in turn make oxygen transfer very hard on the tank and lowers the overall oxygen level in the tank. I made the same mistake when I started. If you are having bubbles coming out of your PH and its not an aerator that you yourself put in your water level is probably too low and the PH is sucking in the air. You should ideally not have any bubbles in the tank and just crystal clear water. Good luck!