Starting a 10 gallon reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
I liked it the best... it was way cooler than my YCG that i took back to the store because it wasn't very cool LOL. The citron got picked on by my clowns for a day that quickly stopped because I guess that toxic mucus didnt taste really good to them hahahaha. the citrons really won't mess with anything either and surprisingly for a 3incher (yeah, mine was a biggun) didn't do anything to the bioload.
lol wow


my Saddle back clown is the clown from HELL

he literally killed my chromis!! i woke up the chromis's fin had been torn to shreds??
and he was swimming upside down!!! and the SBC was picking on the peppermint shrimp!!!

i took him out after 15 min of trying to capture him!!
i called my LFS told him what had happened and they said bring him back and i could exchange him!!

luckily im cool with the store owner!! because they had a no return or fish guarantee policy!!
so he let me trade him in for a false percula clown and a yellow clown goby

R.I.P. tazer the chromis

ill post pics soon.
i also did some aquascaping


Active Member
That sucks to hear. I am not suprised though that they fought. They are both damsels if I am not mistaken
I wouldn't add anymore fish, 2 is plenty in a 10 gallon just concentrate on corals now.


its a 20 gallon now remember i upgraded?? read page 3-4 !!
i didnt know they were both damsels?

hectors goby will be my final addition im maybe 4 or 5 months


Originally Posted by nissan577
dam man that really sucks for what happened.
atleast you got new fish

well i hope the new fish dont fight.

it does suck!!!!

but i got two for the price of one. they have been aclimating for about 45 min now ill put them in then post pics


Active Member
My bad, I did forget. Hector's gobies are really neat. I got a bicolor blenny yesterday and by today he is my favorite fish. Lots of personality and very fun to watch. Plus mine eats algae all day long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mckevinfang
its a 20 gallon now remember i upgraded?? read page 3-4 !!
i didnt know they were both damsels?

hectors goby will be my final addition im maybe 4 or 5 months
I knew the SBC was gonna do that, they need a big tank man.. they are in the same league as maroon clowns.
Stick with percs and occellaris for small tanks, they're wussier. I'm surprised the chromis didn't fight back, they're usually aggressive in a smaller tank.
i'd do a pair of occellaris in there and then a hectors goby and maybe 2 neon gobies... call it a day. clowns first, neons a month later, and hectors goby 2 months after clowns. In the mean time you can do corals and stuff. A citron goby probably wouldn't hurt either, but watch nitrates after adding the clowns to gauge your bioload. hectors and neons won't do anything to it.


Active Member
awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man your tank looks amazing! i just love it. what did you name your fish? how about carlos?