Stingray people... how many of you are out there?


Active Member
Just wondering how many people on the boards keep rays. I would like to hear about other's experiences regarding your species, tank size, feeding, strange behavior, etc. Mine do some strange things and I wonder if these behaviors are common.
For instance, my yellow ray eats certain types of nori. Not all nori, but when I get certain types, mine goes crazy for it. And my blue dot rarely buries itself. He often squeezes into small crevices in the rock structures and rests in a small area between the rocks and the tank... I find this behavior curious.
How many others are out there?


I have a cortez ray in a 225g tank. It will eat silversides and shrimp (store bought RAW) right from my hand. It buries itself most of the time, and I have 3 "beaches" for it. A lot of the it rides the glass...up and down...up and down, and when it is time to eat it seems like it is going to jump....thank goodness for egg-crate...LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I have a cortez ray in a 225g tank. It will eat silversides and shrimp (store bought RAW) right from my hand. It buries itself most of the time, and I have 3 "beaches" for it. A lot of the it rides the glass...up and down...up and down, and when it is time to eat it seems like it is going to jump....thank goodness for egg-crate...LOL
My yellow actually has jumped before. But fortunately I got to it in time and there were no serious injuries. Mine sometimes tries to splash me when its hungry.


OMG that would have freaked me out (the jumping out)...LOL...and yes I am always cleaning up water from her favorite place to hit the top...


HAHA...I had to go look it up...I got her August 29. She lives with:
1 sailfin tang
1 yellow tang
1 blue hippo tang
4 green chromis
2 black 3-spot damsels
1 yellow tail damsel
1 pseudochromis
2 Clowns (percula)
2 Yellow clown gobys
1 bicolor blennie
1 firefish
1 lawnmower blennie
1 Cortez ray
1 raccoon butterfly
1 coral beauty
1 McCosker Flasher Wrasse
1 dwarf flame angel
1 sandsifting goby
1 spotted mandarin
Nassarius Snails and more snails
2 cleaner clams (I think)
Some blue leg hermits
3 featherdusters
LOL, I have it saved...too many to remember, she was like 3" dia. when I got her, now she is about 6" in diameter and 9" long


Here she is....The only downfall to having a ray is I can't keep shrimp...they disappear..Probably into her mouth...LOL



Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Wow...very nice...yours get a lot bigger though don't they?
My yellow should top out at about 18" diameter. It's probably about 12" now. The blue dot is only about 8" across now and will probably also get to 17" or so. I've had my yellow now for about 5 years now. I had it since it was about 5-6" in diameter.


Originally Posted by crimzy
My yellow should top out at about 18" diameter. It's probably about 12" now. The blue dot is only about 8" across now and will probably also get to 17" or so. I've had my yellow now for about 5 years now. I had it since it was about 5-6" in diameter.
And it's still going to grow after 5 years? I think I read mine should get to be about 8-10" in diameter...I hope it doesn't get much bigger though. I have made sure there is plenty of room for her beaches, but I don't want her to get cramped.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
And it's still going to grow after 5 years? I think I read mine should get to be about 8-10" in diameter...I hope it doesn't get much bigger though. I have made sure there is plenty of room for her beaches, but I don't want her to get cramped.
I'm certain that your cortez will get larger than the 8-10" mentioned. At the point when it becomes an issue, I'd just reaquascape to create more space, upgrade your tank, or consider moving the ray into another system.
Anyone else with rays out there? We can't be the only 2.


I have a big do you think the ray can get and still be ok in that size tank?
Yeah, there has to be more than 2 people who have rays...


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I have a big do you think the ray can get and still be ok in that size tank?
Yeah, there has to be more than 2 people who have rays...
Is your tank 72" x 24"? What are the dimensions?
Maybe by the time you need to get yours, I'll have a 500-600 gallon lagoon style sump in my basement...


It is 72" X 24" 30" deep....I really don't see me getting a bigger one though. NO ROOM...
If I were to though....I would be sure to get a longer one, and not one that is 30" deep...I can't reach the bottom...LOL...I would have to climb in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
It is 72" X 24" 30" deep....I really don't see me getting a bigger one though. NO ROOM...
If I were to though....I would be sure to get a longer one, and not one that is 30" deep...I can't reach the bottom...LOL...I would have to climb in.
Depending on how much room is available via aquascaping, I would say that you have 3-4 years with that ray.