Stingray people... how many of you are out there?


so my ray is a girl?!!!!! how exciting!!!
i love this thread btw, wait till you see the pics i just got


Yes, and the one thing we SW people (and ray people) do is WATCH our tanks...LOL
All I can say to that is HOPEFULLY I will never have an issue, and IF I ever do, I guess I will have to deal with it then...but I will watch (as I do daily


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Yes, and the one thing we SW people (and ray people) do is WATCH our tanks...LOL
All I can say to that is HOPEFULLY I will never have an issue, and IF I ever do, I guess I will have to deal with it then...but I will watch (as I do daily
Just so you know, it can be somewhat diffiicult to see the aggression right away as it may occur at night or when you are not around. It's also somewhat difficult to see evidence on the ray because they are so active. When my yellow has been picked on, it has alternated between periods of frantic swimming or burying itself for long periods. These are the only real ways for rays to avoid aggression. So watch for these signs with those angels.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Just so you know, it can be somewhat diffiicult to see the aggression right away as it may occur at night or when you are not around. It's also somewhat difficult to see evidence on the ray because they are so active. When my yellow has been picked on, it has alternated between periods of frantic swimming or burying itself for long periods. These are the only real ways for rays to avoid aggression. So watch for these signs with those angels.
OK, Thanks


im dyin over here lol... is it a girl??
Here are some pics I just took a few minutes ago, please people dont steal my photos (its happened before) If you want to use them just ask and I dont mind...
size reference

smile lol


My cortez was about 3" in diameter when I first got it....almost 6 months is now almost 7" in diameter


Originally Posted by meowzer
My cortez was about 3" in diameter when I first got it....almost 6 months is now almost 7" in diameter
yeah, thats about how big ours is now.. very cool to hear it grew so much that fast.. from what ive read online their growth is typically much slower. I would love to see some pictures of yours


LOL...I know one time I went in to a sw fish store and saw a male.....after that I knew for sure mine was a girl


Originally Posted by gasguzzler
Its definately female.
awesome!!! thanks
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I know one time I went in to a sw fish store and saw a male.....after that I knew for sure mine was a girl
lol! thats really cool.. we both have girly cortez's
Originally Posted by AquaKnight

ADEE, has theft really been a problem with your pics?? Would you consider adding a watermark to them?
yes, it has.. i have a few of my photos in magazines and brochures. I used to watermark everything before posting it but it takes away from the pictures (Even faint watermarks i find annoying) im flattered that people want to use my photos but i had an instance where i found one of my photos on another website with their watermark on it, was a photo of one of my rabbits that has very distinct markings (And duh, i have the photo file) it was on another website with their watermark over mine, i contacted the web owner and eventually they took it down but it was a real hassle. I dont mind people using my photos i just request they give credit where credit is due is all. I choose not to put watermarks on because its very time consuming and IMO comes across as


Active Member
Wild stuff going in on my tank tonight. I just noticed that my blue dot ray is losing its stinger. Anybody have any idea why they lose their stingers? I'm not worried about it because my yellow has lost its stinger before without a problem. I've just never read or heard why this happens.



Oh wow!! i cant even see ours stinger.. i hope your guy is alright! Is it possible he tried to go backwards in rocks and maybe lifted it up? (not sure its even possible, just a thought) do they shed them?


Active Member
I think they just shed them periodically. You can see the other stinger growing in behind this one. I've just never heard of it before but now I've seen it twice.


Originally Posted by crimzy
I think they just shed them periodically. You can see the other stinger growing in behind this one. I've just never heard of it before but now I've seen it twice.

Hey Crimzy...mine has done that too...I thought maybe it got caught on something...although I could not have imagined what...but now after reading your post, I guess we can come to the conclusion that this is a "normal" occurence...