story thread


Originally Posted by makoshrk2
Then struck by lightning and eaten by a savage bear. WAIT don't these things only have 9 lives move on...leave the kitty alone...LOL
After using 4 of his lives he decided to go home to Oklahoma where the Deer and the Antelope play (cause there is nothing else to do...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
The kitty called to daddy who came out with a 12 gauge shot gun
...but realized he forgot his ammo. But as fate has it, wattsupdoc happened to be hunting in a tree stand nearby, raised his gun and shot at the...


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
cat, in the head 7 lifes left...
and this time, it was no freakin' dream, or one of the 9 lives left...No, the cat was dead, gone, SEEYA, and since this cat was the brood starter of cats around the world, all cats died around the world, giving peace to all mankind once and for all. Then daddy came back out with his ammo....


Originally Posted by T316
and this time, it was no freakin' dream, or one of the 9 lives left...No, the cat was dead, gone, SEEYA, and since this cat was the brood starter of cats around the world, all cats died around the world, giving peace to all mankind once and for all. Then daddy came back out with his ammo....
and shot T316, and wattsupdoc for trying (but not succeeding) to hurt his ....

tank a holic

Active Member
(to keep up with the political junkies)
they immediately shipped the dead cat to the white house to lay beside obama's stock market.......
(and to get the thread back where it ought to be)
we all said a prayer for the cat and market then made a request to Bang guy to play "girls just wanna have fun"
so just to go against the grain he sang..........


Active Member
...."Sweet Home Alabama". Then he turned to one of his bandmates, Sepulation, and asked....


Originally Posted by meowzer
So as the bams were being ala'd...Florida Joe showed up dreaming once again.......
and forgot to put his clothes on... then continued with his walk in a margerhita induced haze to find a sunny place in the park....

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by makoshrk2
and forgot to put his clothes on... then continued with his walk in a margerhita induced haze to find a sunny place in the park....
·McArther whats with this park. All the sweet cream icing flowing down.


Originally Posted by florida joe
·McArther whats with this park. All the sweet cream icing flowing down.
And since ...once again...nobody understood what the heck Florida Joe just said....we all went