Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


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Originally Posted by subielover
I can't really see too much Jerry.

Not much new here, everything in the tank looks good, the torch is doing great. I got a few cerith snails, they seem to be doing a good job at stirring the sand up. When I was there the fella at the LFS was trying to sell me bumble bee snails
when I told him they are not snails but whelks and that they will eat other snails he quickly changed the subjec
^& He also had some "ninja star" snails, which look crazy but I have never heard of them so there was no way I was going to buy them, thats why I played it safe and just went for a 5 cerith snails.

Still waiting for a bicolor blenny, they had one there but it was already spoken for, so I gotta wait a bit

That is my torch after brown jelly disease. Happened over night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
That sux, does that have to be introduced to the tank or did your torch develop it?
It is a disease that is developed. My fish were always swimming through it and my inverts were always climbing in it after I fed it. I changed the flow on it last week. None of this was good for it.
Advice - Have a nice indirect moderate to strong flow over it. Don't feed it while you are feeding your fish. If you have clowns watch carefully. If they are attempting to host your torch you need to move the torch to another location in the tank.
If you notice a brown slime on it you need to act quick. I have already saved this torch once. The first time that I noticed brown jelly I took the torch out and cut off the infected heads and wiped the brown slime off. That was 3 months ago and the torch then grew another head. This last time I was not fortunate enough to see the disease. It literally happened over night.


Active Member
I will definitely keep an eye on it. So far so good, I think it has good flow, the "tentacles" flow nicely in the current. My clown hasn't showed any interest as of yet, but I will watch him too. Thanks Jerry for the heads up


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I believe I have my Green Torch in a great spot. If this one catches the disease then maybe there is something in my tank that won't allow me to keep torches.


Active Member
What do you mean where? Where did I get them? JerryAtrick, he is a member on here and local to me, he is a good guy to deal with. I can't wait to get them in, I got a nice spot picked out for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Sweet, looks like I will be getting them tomorrow. Here is a pic from Jerry

I don't have that particular duncan in a good spot. IMO it is to high and has to much flow on it. My other duncan is lower and has less flow and that one is huge.


Active Member
Didn't think so. I have a nice spot that I want to put him, kind of near the top of the tank. I hope he likes mysis