Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


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Yeah one more maximum, I have been leaning towards a bicolor blenny. Other than the blenny though, the rest will be all coral


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You know that pic iin the avatar is you....LOL Funny shirt though. Good choice on his part. lol. Well nice pics you put up. Well im gone


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Originally Posted by subielover
Nothing much new, except that I am getting a piece(one head) of torch.
I am hoping that my clown will decide to host it
After I added the clown I did have a tiny ammonia spike, up to maybe .05 but by the next day it was back down to zero. I have read that the small spike is typical when adding to the bioload. The tank looks the best that it has, I have a small amount of hair algae, but the sand has really cleaned up nicely. I am thinking that my last fish will be a bicolor blenny, they seem to have a lot of personality. Probably won't get one though for another month or two.
Take a pic of course when you get the torch. As far as the clown hosting the torch... kind of glad that my clown leaves both of my torches alone. My torches retract every time they are bothered. Now my toadstool on the hand.... that is where my clown sleeps.


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Yup just me being bored again

You can really see in this pic my hair algae, not too worried about it. I wonder if when I get my bicolor blenny if he will eat any of it?? My turbos don't seem to eat it at all.



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Dont let it spread all over though. Itll be hard to get rid of. Hopefully the bi color will take care of it. When I had some in my 30 my lawnmower wouldnt touch if it was to long. Id have to rip some off and siphon it out then he clean the rest up off the rocks


Active Member
I figured part of it was just because it was a new tank. Is there anything else that I can do to limit it? I have cut down on how long I am running my daylight bulbs for. Right now I run my actinics for 11 1/2 hours, my daylight for about 6 1/2, after the actinics shut back off in the evening my moonlights and my fuge light come on. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Hey bro, whats that on your lr ? Gold Dust ? LOL. It looks like some crazy gold color. Well nice looking long hair algae you got. Get you an emerald crab and it should take care of it :) Or A HECTORS GOBY. Mine loves to eat algae all day long. Or A BI Color Blenny. I am still thinking i want that pygmy hawkfish for my jbj tank but i might already have too many fish.LOL. but anyhow