Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


Active Member
I lied

Just snapped a couple of quick ones, I think it is starting to come together a bit.
Daylight and actinic

Actinic only

And I should be getting my first acan this week, it's gonna be a good week!


Active Member
liar that hurt you lied to me! lol. i was waiting for tomorrow. hey whats that wiggaling thing there in the first pic in the left? looks funny.


Active Member
I love the duncan man! And nice FTS. I still cant figure out how to take actinic pic. Mine just doesnt come out good and u cant tell what I was trying to take a pic of


Active Member
Thanks rebel and nissan for the comments. I am excited because my acan is getting shipped tomorrow, and should be here on Friday. Woohoo
My first acan, I can't wait, I plan on getting a bunch of them a la Blazin2k6


Active Member
Sooo, my acan isn't getting shipped out till Tuesday, but that's ok
The seller was going to ship it out Thursday but I didn't want to risk it sitting over the weekend. So Tuesday it will be shipped so I should have it on Thursday. Also I am very excited as myself and JerryAtrick are going to be making the ride over to Mr. X's house to raid his tanks
Can't wait I am gonna stock up, woo hoo!
That's it just wanted a quick update


Active Member
I think maybe the second or third week in November, I wanna get a bunch of stuff, can't wait. JerryAtrick got a lot of his corals from both X and privatejoker, so I am sure I will find a lot for my little tank
I am looking for acans, ricordeas, and probably some zoas of course. Should be fun


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I think maybe the second or third week in November, I wanna get a bunch of stuff, can't wait. JerryAtrick got a lot of his corals from both X and privatejoker, so I am sure I will find a lot for my little tank
I am looking for acans, ricordeas, and probably some zoas of course. Should be fun

Can't wait till Mr. X convinces you to take some xenia off him. Once you see how much he has you will feel bad.


Active Member
I DO NOT want that stuff in my tank, all I hear are horror stories. Why don't you take some, you have the new frag tank, you could make it like a xenia only tank
Would look sweet
Plus I don't think Mr. X would be that mean, haha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I DO NOT want that stuff in my tank, all I hear are horror stories. Why don't you take some, you have the new frag tank, you could make it like a xenia only tank
Would look sweet
Plus I don't think Mr. X would be that mean, haha.
LOL.. My xenia is controlled. Place it as high in the tank as possible. It likes to grow up so limit that and you have great success.