Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


Active Member
One of who ? And also Mr X has some quality stuff. Also you need to post sum new pics :) Lets see how its looking.


Active Member
Thanks Blazin for the comment, but I haven't added anything new so the tank looks the same at the moment
It's all good though because once I get my acan this week I will post some new ones. In the previous post I was just answering about changing the title of my thread here way back when I started this.


Awesome looking setup you got there Sub. Have you done any mods to your rear chambers? What kind of duncan is that? I got a blue duncan about three months ago. Two heads are now four and getting ready to have babies again. I,m going to get some new pix posted on my 14g soon.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments chromiumlux! My duncan are almost like a mint green center and then pink tentacles, 5 heads, it is gorgeous IMO. I have been feeding mysis once or twice a week, I want it to be gigantic, and the show piece for my nano. As for my back chambers I took out the crap return pump, and put in a maxijet 900 in its place, that along with a koralia 1 and I have plenty of flow. My first chamber(on the right if you are looking at the tank) has purigen and chemipure elite. 2nd chamber has the false floor removed and the bioballs got taken out. I have some lr rubble in the bottom, approx. 2 pounds. On top of that I have a wad of chaeto that is growing like crazy, it is also filled with pods
I have a 10 watt submersible light shoved down into the middle of it. In chamber 3, just the return pump and a 50 watt heater. Everything is working well, knock on wood, all my parameters are in check and very steady. I run my fuge light on the opposite schedule of my actinics, this way my ph stays steady and the chaeto gets about 13 hours of light.
Again I really appreciate the comments, love having new people to talk to. And once again your finnex is sick


Active Member
Took some new pictures, I gotta get the algae under control here. I didn't have time my last water change to really pull a lot out. I use ro water, I just don't understand where the excess nutrients are coming from, I don't feel like I am overfeeding. I feed every other day maximum. Anyway, here are some new pics.


Cool pic of my torch, where you can actually see its mouth.

My turbo trying his best.

My favorites at the moment.

I don't know what this crap is, but it is growing like crazy.

My valentini puffer, lol j/k.

My first top down pic, I kinda like it.


Active Member
i dont know if i told you this yet Subie, but i really like your rock setup, its very natural looking and aesthetically pleasing.


Active Member
im obviously no expert yet on the subject. Do you have hermits or any crabs, i heard they love that hair algae.


Active Member
IDK the name of that algea but its very anooying. I had to deal with it in my 30 gal tank! It grows into the roks very well. and when U pull it out and just grows back very fast.
Mine wasnt all over the tank, but it came in on a frag and from there it grow, but it wa still annoying!
AHH it was frustrating!
Those Duncans look awesome man, I want em now!! I cant wait for ur new acan to come in!


Active Member
Thanks rebel, I think it may be calupera, I HATE IT.
My duncans are awesome, if I do say so myself, they look even better in person. They will pretty much eat whenever I want to feed them too. I want like 25 heads
Acans should be cool too, I hope they come tomorrow, got my fingers crossed. They were shipped ups so hopefully they were careful. Do you think my soon to be newest fish, bicolor blenny, will touch any of this crappy algae?


Active Member
idk about the bicolor, but my LWB ate some fo it. But only after I trimmed mine to were it wasnt very long. Then hed eat some of it/ Other than that if it was long he would touch it


Active Member
So Reb, did you get it under control? If so what did you do. My suggestion, as it is always, is that you need to get the nutrient rich environment you have under control. Yes algae needs light to photosynthesize but it also needs nutrient to grow (read fertilizer here).
I thing I would start with some aggressive manual removal.
Then for the next two weeks keep doing that but about every three days do a 10% water change and just before doing that take a turkey baster and blow on the rocks. You will be amazed at the detritus that blows up into the water column. It can then be removed by the water change. Take an old filter pad, if they are like the 29 gallon they are a black plastic frame with some material that holds in carbon. Remove the material and the carbon and just put some filter floss in there. It is real cheap at like Walmart or some of the craft stores and is called Polyester Fiber-Fil. This can be changed every other day or so to also remove some of the nutrient.
Do a good evaluation of your feeding schedule. Fish, Coral do not need to eat every day. Every other day is fine. Then only as much as the fish will entirely finish in about 2 minutes tops. For the coral you are feeding just enough to give them a little with none falling into the sand or rocks.
what is your light schedule. 10 hours is usually enough light. Also is the tank near a window? If so keep the shade down during the time of day that the sun shines through.
Nutrient export is the name of the game here. Even the fact of taking out as muc algae as you can as often as you can will export nutrient from your beautiful tank.
I hope that helps a little and maybe reb can help some too.


Active Member
Thanks spanko for the insight, it is much appreciated. OK, I do not use that filter that came with the Biocubes. I have in chamber 1 chemipure elite(which does have ferric oxide
) and purigen. In chamber 2 is a small fuge with chaeto, and above that I have a piece of filter pad that does the mechanical side of it. Currently my actinics run for about 11 hours, and my 10k bulbs for about 6 hours. I already am feeding every other day, but I will definitely try to reduce the amount that I am feeding. When I do water changes I do use a turkey baster and blow off my rocks as well as giving the glass a good scrape with my mag-float. I am getting suspicious of the water I am getting from my lfs, I have never tested it for phosphates because well I don't have a test kit for them, I guess this weekend I will try to pick one up. I will do as you suggested and aggressively remove everything I can, as well as do more than one water change a week. Any other advice...anybody give me some feedback here.