Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


Active Member
The lettuce sea slug is also called the lettuce nudibranch. (Elysia crispata) Not really a nudi but a slug. You are probably talking about the same critter. If you use this, a cucumber or a sea hare be aware that if they do help with your problem they are doomed after the food source is gone. Make arrangements now to trade it back to whomever you get it from.


Active Member
Yeah, I talked to the seller of the acans and he said once they are full grown they will be the size of a dime or nickel. Just wish I would have known I was getting babies and not full grown ones
Right now I would say they are about the size of a pencil eraser maybe a little smaller. Oh well, they will grow


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
The lettuce sea slug is also called the lettuce nudibranch. (Elysia crispata) You are probably talking about the same critter. If you use this, a cucumber or a sea hare be aware that if they do help with your problem they are doomed after the food source is gone. Make arrangements now to trade it back to whomever you get it from.
I figured as much. I won't let them starve, I will get rid of them after they do their job. Still don't know if I will get them or not, but they may make my job easier, especially when I start mixing my own water.


Active Member
I knew someone would say that, lol. Figured it would be Blazin though
Anyhow, lights just went out so I will try tomorrow. They are so small I can't really focus on them. I do have a question though, what program can I use to zoom in. I mean, when I take a picture I can zoom in on the photo finder thing, but I don't know how to save them like this. Any ideas, cameras are definitely not my expertise


Active Member
dam i leave for like 30 mins and your in page 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! page 9 dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Ok I know these are not the best pics, but I tried
One was with flash, one was without. I got three little frags so I just kinda bunched them together, and figured they would eventually grow and meet somewhere in the middle.

They did puff up a little bit since yesterday
In November I am hoping to get some more, this time bigger ones
Also would like to get some rics and yumas for some more color


Active Member
beautiful acans! man! love them! they are so tiny! lol. i would like some when you get frag them. and im first in line. and dont worry i take crappy pics as well


Active Member
Maan i am absent a day or two and you post pics of the acans. Wow those are super duper tiny :) Just feed em cyclopeeze for the first couple days then feed em some tiny mysis :) My smallest one last night hate a big piece of mysis then spit it back out when i turned on the powerheads again :( LOL. They look pretty sweet though. All 3 frags look the same tho ? Why is that ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Maan i am absent a day or two and you post pics of the acans. Wow those are super duper tiny :) Just feed em cyclopeeze for the first couple days then feed em some tiny mysis :) My smallest one last night hate a big piece of mysis then spit it back out when i turned on the powerheads again :( LOL. They look pretty sweet though. All 3 frags look the same tho ? Why is that ?
All three are the same, I asked for two heads and this is what he sent me