Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary


Active Member
The lfs water could be a problem. It really isnt hard to just mix up ur own water and it last longer and cheaper int he long run. I bought a 5 gal bucket of Coralife salt over a yr back and with these nano it doesnt take much salt and I still have some left.
And gettin that algea under control was very hard im not even going to lie. And mine was only in a small spot. took about 2 months to get it all out. Because once it grows in the rocks it hard to rip out. Well not hard. But it leaves some behind no matter what. THE LMB helped out, but not to the extreme ull wanna run out and buy one right away. Nothng would touch this algea while it was long. After I ripped some out the LMB would eat some. And while it was short the Mexican Turbo and Margartias would eat some.
Also this was when I fed my 30 gal tank only once a week if that, but it would still grow crazy fast! It might be a hassle to get rid of, but itll be worth it in th long run!
NOt sure if a couple dwarfs hermit will help since I hate em, but I imagine they would.
But yeah that is hard to get rid of that algea. Now when i see hair algea I get to ripppin and cleanin out big time. Esp when I get frags in. I usually spend 3-5 mins cleaning off a frag plug now before I put it into my tank.


Active Member
Yup water could be suspect then. Try some distilled from the grocery store for a while then as it is about $1.00 per gallon also.


Active Member
I was planning on mixing my own water soon, so I guess this is just a good a reason as any. I am going to start using tropic marin pro reef, I have only heard good things. Probably won't be able to get it for a couple weeks though, as I am broke. I still have some mixed saltwater, so tomorrow I will do a change and try to scrub the rock really well in the old water and then put it back in. Thanks for everyones help, you guys are always there when you are needed. If anyone else has any tips, don't be shy


Active Member
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! acans are coming acans are coming
im so excited! i wanna see pics already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hurry!!!!!!!!


is that algae bryopsis by any chance ??
if it is hair algae, you should consider getting a sea hare or sea slug, I got one, and he keeps up on that stuff like no other.... as a matter of fact, Im prolly gonna have to trade him for a smaller on e at the lfs, cause I'm worried that he's keeping up on it a little too well.... he may not be getiing enough to eat......


Active Member
I was thinking of a sea hare, at least for now to eat it up. I have heard that if they die though it is pretty much over for my tank. Acans are here I will post pics soon


Active Member
I just posted a thread on my local forum to see if anyone has a sea hare that I could borrow for a little while. We will see what happens with that. In the meantime, I guess I will just keep pulling it when I do water changes


Active Member
Thanks for the offer but I think overnight would kill me. Anyhow, I just called the other lfs, not the one that I have been getting water from and they said that a sea slug would be better suited to my tank. They said that it wouldn't devour everything in a few days like the sea hare would and is much much smaller. They also asked where I had been getting my water from and they said maybe the other lfs' cartridges in their ro unit are old
Sooo they said they just changed their cartridges last week and that they sell tropic marin pro reef.
Any advice on the sea slug??


Active Member
I tried to get pics of my acans but they are so small they don't show up
I guess I will just have to wait until the grow a bit to get a good pic, sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emilaya101
Just looked it up, and it looks like it is the same thing as a lettuce nudibranch, I say get one

It's not a nudibranch though, I have read that they eat coral, this is a lettuce slug.


huh. whaterver site i saw that on must have been mistaken.... I atill say get on though... They look awesome, and if it eats algae, it eats algae

Bummer on the pics