funny guys....LOL.....Yes, it is plugged into the strip that is now moved
I will have to take some measurements when I get home tonight, but I have to work a little later than usual.

Remember....they sell this set-up like I have no clue
As far as the water leaving the know....I never thought about that.....there is no output like on some HOB's....the pvc pipe goes halfway up the skimmer tube.....the foam obviously goes in the cup....SOOOO I would have to guess the water comes out the bottom
The only problem with the ext. cord that I could see AQUA is that sometimes it takes a week or 2 before it stops running....that would be an awful lot of water movement in that area....wouldn't it?
I'm trying to think of what's actually plugged in there.....The Mag 18 (sump return) a timer for the refugium light, the protein skimmer pump, and another timer....I think for the lunar lights.....
Maybe at lunch today I will buy a new "plug in", and run it from a different circuit.....I had 4 seperate circuits put in behind the tank cause I was scared of blowing a fuse....