tangs and foxface.....


im sure everyone is goin to scream and holler but is it too much to put a yellow tang a hippo tang and a foxface all in the same 90 gallon tank?

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface#post_3398443
im sure everyone is goin to scream and holler but is it too much to put a yellow tang a hippo tang and a foxface all in the same 90 gallon tank?
That's too much - I also had a bad experience once when during a feeding one day - my yellow tang got stung by my foxface, went into spasims and died within 10 minutes.

tangs rule

Active Member
3 fish of that size in a 90g is too much. A hippo really shouldn't be in a 90g, if that's going to be permanant - with no plans of a future upgrage, into a 6' or longer tank. Also with those 3 in a 4' tank - the odds of an accidental collision are high, (esp. during feeding) leading to the rabbitfish accidently killing one of the others. I prefer tangs, so after my accident with a YT and a Fox - the rabbitfish was returned to the lfs


seriously one? i think two would be ok most people seem to have more then one tang in much smaller tanks then a 90 gallon?....

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface#post_3398467
seriously one? i think two would be ok most people seem to have more then one tang in much smaller tanks then a 90 gallon
Very true - and most of those get tired of the high maintenance of an overstocked tank, let it go to sh!t, and get out of the hobby in 1-3 years. Overstocking adds ALOT of additional work to the owner, making water quality harder to maintain, and in a reef tank - this usually means a short lived reef, with the loss of many hundreds of $ in coral frags, a frustrating experience, and usually the aquarists that go the overstocking route early on, sell all their equpiment for cents on the dollar when they quit. Overstocking also leads to fish problems longterm in the fowlr tank.. When starting out it's best to keep it simple and lightly stocked for the 1st year or 2, regardless of tank size, or system type (reef or fowlr)


what about a yellow tang and maybe a nice butterfly?....id really like at least two nice larger fish(not huge but 3 inch fish) to be an eye catcher to go along w the other small fish....plus i plan on not having any corals becuz honestly im not very interested in them AT ALL...they really dont do much for me and i got into this for my son and nieces and nephews and corals dont do much lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface#post_3398467
seriously one? i think two would be ok most people seem to have more then one tang in much smaller tanks then a 90 gallon?....
I would not advocate keeping more than one tang in a system less than 125 gallons is responsible reef keeping (this is a stretch and depends greatly on the type of tangs). Do people do it? Yes. Responsible? No. Tangs are open water swimmers and can swim great distances in a day. I find it to be irresponsible to subject a fish that can live over 10 years in captivity to life in a system that cannot suit its needs. This will cause the fish to die a premature death. I believe in practicing responsible reef keeping. By this, I mean that I try to purchase captive bred specimens as much as possible and make responsible purchases that are suited for my system.
Now, I do currently have 2 fish in my tank that do not belong in there. I have a hippo tang and a velvet fairy wrasse (the wrasse was not the wrasse I ordered when I placed an order online and I am trying to find it a suitable home). The tang was a rescue from a LFS and was in bad shape when I was given it. The owner of the LFS trusted me to be able to nurse it back to health, which I have done. Now, I am allowing to grow out in my 55 so it can go to my friend's tank (at its current size it will get bullied) or I will put it in my tank when I upgrade in the next year.

tangs rule

Active Member
In a fowlr system - you won't be limited on type of butterfly, AND some of the most exquisite are NOT reef safe. Just remember tangs grow to 5 or 6 inches minimum, with some tangs reaching 12-18+ inches. Most butterflies grow to the 5-8 inch range, with some getting quite bigger - so it might be a good combo in a 90, just select smaller variety species of each (the YT is a small tang, along with the Kole) and your fowlr should do well


i liked the copperband butterfly is that to much to be with a yellow tang?....and i had planed on like 40-50 lbs of LR but having it in the center more veritcal then horizontal so that there was more swiming space for the tangs and more of a stacked look to the clown and chromis is that the right move?

tangs rule

Active Member
The copperband with a YT MAY work well - depending on the paticular YT you get. They are a VERY territorial fish, and known for being mean. I'd add the YT last AND get one that is smaller than the butterfly at the time of addition. Also 40-50# in a 90g might be on the light side, it might be good to add a bit more, and maybe a "canyon" stack - with the LR stacked on the rear end corners and a bare floor between.


well i was trying to go for the much more cleared area look then the "to me" crowed look of like 90 lbs because like everyone says the tangs need plenty of swiming space and to me they get lost in the LR esp since i dont want any corals to bring out the LR....

tangs rule

Active Member
However your aquascape is fine, but 40-50# of lr is light for a 90, another20+ would be better. And yes tangs are all pretty big swimmers, and it's just hard to acheive it in a 4' tank, but the YT or Kole are probably the best bet.


now why is it light?...if i have like live sand a crushed coral do i need 70 lbs of live rock?...i know it helps keep the water levels in line and other benifits but LR is prob the most expseniive part of the hobby and i really dont like the crowed look....y so much?

tangs rule

Active Member
Usually about 1-2 pounds of LR per tank gallon capacity provides the best benefit from having LR.....besides, you can buy some LR and some dry base (which is cheeper) and the dry will become live again in about 6 weeks, and look about as good as live stuff in a year.,I used 200# of LR in my 475g build and bought another 130# of dry for it when I set it up, and have since added another 100 of dry, and will add another 100# to it later this summer. Just make sure any dry base you would get is actually ment for saltwater systems, not fresh water tanks.


Active Member
1-2lbs of LR is "old school" thinking in cases. There's no rule that states that. Personally it comes down to individual preference. Take a look around and you'll see some of the most incredible looking tanks aren't packed full of rock. Some use very minimal rock!!!! Just as the crushed coral/live sand issue..... Again no set rule how much to use. Tanks can thrive perfectly well without it. Again comes down to personal preference.


Active Member
i had a purple tang ,sailfin tang,and a foxface in a 90 for 3 years.then went to a 150 gallon.now i am not saying it will work all the time but,the trick to keeping these fish together is adding a bigger one or all at the same time and that still dont mean it will work.but remember you need to get them small like 1-2 inches for a 90.and plan to upsize in a few years.if you do not plan to up the tank size dont do it.tangs are trickey business but if you have the right set up they are the best fish out there imo.


if i ad like 40 lbs of live rock and add say 20 lbs of "dead rock" will it cure and not cause a spike? cuz at my lfs live rock is $8 lb and for 50 lbs that 400 bucks at once plus if i add it will cause a spike yes?


Active Member
90 lbs of rock is plenty especially if you add a sump.i had 25 lbs of rock in my rubbermaid 30 gallon tote sump and 90 in the tank.but you cant buy a 4 inch tang for a 90.get like 1-2 inch .they will be fine .but like i said plan on a bigger tank in a few years.