Tank Reincarnation


Active Member
Any improvement is better than what my tank looks like now. I ordered some more CUC members and some sea lettuce for my fuge. We shall see how it goes.


Active Member
I'm going to play around with the rocks a bit. I do have an issue with moving the rocks around. My sebae anemone is firmly planted to a lot of the rocks. I also want to play around with attaching some of the green star polyps to the glass, but I'm not sure how I'll like that if I'm successful.


Active Member
I just got the tracking info on my skimmer, salt, heaters and refractometer. They should be here on Friday. I plan on doing a good water change on Saturday and getting the skimmer hooked up. Looks like I'll be keeping UPS and Fed-Ex busy this week.


Well-Known Member
Ever have any problems with your skimmer after a water change? My skimmer overflows every time I do a water change on my tank for some reason. No idea...


Well-Known Member
Hmm. I guess because I don't do that many water changes it must have thrown something off or stirred something up. Who knows. I know now to empty my skimmer cup and turn it off for a day or so after a water change. Oh well, one of those strange tank personality things. lol


Active Member
I don't have a working skimmer. :(
My lights did not come. :(
I had a bad day. :(
Time for a drink. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/20#post_3456611
Hmm. I guess because I don't do that many water changes it must have thrown something off or stirred something up. Who knows. I know now to empty my skimmer cup and turn it off for a day or so after a water change. Oh well, one of those strange tank personality things. lol
I take my skimmer out monthly and clean the pump and skimmer real good so....... just a part of my monthly cleanning chores. All the pumps and power heads get taken apart and cleaned once a month. Makes for a rather long couple of hours of scrubbing. Then every 4 -6 months, I clean out the sump by suckin all the water out and wipe it down to get some of the bacterial slime of and salt.
*funny.... just as I was typing, my skimmer just started making a grinding noise, just turned it off and will leave off for a couple of hours.


Active Member
So the stupid place I ordered my lights from put in the wrong shipping address. They left out a letter from my apartment number. They put a # sign instead of the number. What didn't they think I knew my address???? Grrrrrrrrr.