Tank Reincarnation


Active Member
Another day goes by and I am still not getting my lights.
Now, I have to go to work on my day off to get rid of some dead weight.


Active Member
I wouldn't want to be that "dead weight", getting canned by an avid aquarist whose lights didn't come in again today....


Well-Known Member
Go get em!
Hate that they didn't come in. It will be ok though. You know that patience is key to this hobby!!!! Lol


Active Member
The dead weight is gone.
It's one of those times where I can honestly say I gave the associate every opportunity to do the right thing. She took those opportunities and threw them back in my face. Her file was 2 inches thick and she had only been with us since September.
I got hold of the company where I ordered the lights from and found out what the issue was. Apparently, when they generated the shipping label my address was not recognized. The company decided I "mistyped" my address and dropped the letter off of the apartment. They did not bother to call me. This meant on Tuesday UPS could not deliver the package, since there are 26 apartments with the same number. Today, the UPS driver went to the wrong apartment. UPS has my phone number and never called me. I sent an irritated email to the company where I got the lights and after 10 minutes on the phone I got him to get the package held at UPS. I tried to get him to do this yesterday since UPS was having issues.
On the bright side, I got my livestock goodies today.


Active Member
Your tank is looking great!
I like the varied height of the rockwork.
Thanks for getting rid of that other background


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/40#post_3456767
The dead weight is gone.
It's one of those times where I can honestly say I gave the associate every opportunity to do the right thing. She took those opportunities and threw them back in my face. Her file was 2 inches thick and she had only been with us since September.
I got hold of the company where I ordered the lights from and found out what the issue was. Apparently, when they generated the shipping label my address was not recognized. The company decided I "mistyped" my address and dropped the letter off of the apartment. They did not bother to call me. This meant on Tuesday UPS could not deliver the package, since there are 26 apartments with the same number. Today, the UPS driver went to the wrong apartment. UPS has my phone number and never called me. I sent an irritated email to the company where I got the lights and after 10 minutes on the phone I got him to get the package held at UPS. I tried to get him to do this yesterday since UPS was having issues.
On the bright side, I got my livestock goodies today.
Sorry about the Gemmy....Honestly can't blame the driver....He (we) only go where were told and honestly the company should have contacted you if your address was questionable......I stopped going the extra mile contacting the customer on deliveries.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125 http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/40#post_3456820

Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/40#post_3456860
Much better!
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Sorry about the Gemmy....Honestly can't blame the driver....He (we) only go where were told and honestly the company should have contacted you if your address was questionable......I stopped going the extra mile contacting the customer on deliveries.......
I blame the company that I ordered from. I flipped out on him a little. I asked him why I was never contacted when the order was first placed and they could not generate a shipping label based on the info I gave them.I even emailed the company yesterday and told them to hold it at UPS. I made the mistake of asking him to verify for future reference my apartment number. He just saw the apartment number. He told me he did read the whole email. I'm more irritated with them. I will never order from them again.
Originally Posted by Slice
Your tank is looking great!
I like the varied height of the rockwork.
Thanks for getting rid of that other background

Thanks!! I got rid of the background just for you!!
My fuge is now online kinda. I had it on, but my stupid RBTA is po'ed that I rearranged the tank and decided to go into the filter intake.


Active Member
hahaha tank looks amazing! Sorry to hear that you too had a difficult day. but you indeed got some goodies today. That alone is a +


Active Member
Quote:Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/40#post_3457512
"Broke" as in damaged in shipment?
That sux.
-you've used that frowney a lot lately...

I think it was damaged during manufacturing. It's not a big deal. Del tec is sending me the replacement piece. It just bites when you spend a nice amount of $$ and have to wait to use it.


Active Member
What kind of 'fuge did you get? Size and pump output? Light? Timed for opposite DT lights? Got Macro?


Active Member
Quote:Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/40#post_3457514
What kind of 'fuge did you get? Size and pump output? Light? Timed for opposite DT lights? Got Macro?

I just converted a HOB filter into a fuge using sea lettuce. I also seeded the tank with pods. I officially will have zero space on the back of my tank.
I would post a pic, but I can't that tool bar is gone.


Active Member
I must say the customer service for maxspect is pretty good. They are mailing me all my missing pieces I should them by Friday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/40#post_3457513
I think it was damaged during manufacturing. It's not a big deal. Del tec is sending me the replacement piece. It just bites when you spend a nice amount of $$ and have to wait to use it.
That really blows......I know your pain.....I wanted to take my pumps and thump the person on the other end of the phone with it to get my point and unhappiness across....I must say though Beth at Reeflo gets 2 thumbs up from me....I'm by no means the easiest person to deal with when my equipment is performing to specs......