Tank Reincarnation


Active Member
New issue today, the fans won't turn on to cool one of the units. I'm not too concerned since I can get a clip on fan to cool it and the fans are "optional" according to the manual. All my corals are responding extremely well to the lights, so I might not need a third unit. I actually think I can keep more hard to keep corals that I couldn't with my halides. The corals I tried just burned under them.
The skimmer is hooked up and is breaking in. This thing is a beast and I love it. It makes a little more noise than my mp10's at full speed, but it is bearable.
All in all I'm pretty satisfied.


Active Member
Sounds great Krista!
Your skimmer which "makes a little more noise than my MP10s" makes me envious. Mine is LOUD.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/80#post_3460868
Sounds great Krista!
Your skimmer which "makes a little more noise than my MP10s" makes me envious. Mine is LOUD.
The skimmer barely makes a peep now. The water going back into the tank makes more noise now.

Some pics of new stuff:
Orange Cap:

Blue Snowflake Polyps (teeny):

Acan Frag:


Well-Known Member
Just read thru all 5 pages...man, you've gone through some crap to get this stuff in!! Tank is looking good, though....can't wait to see more!


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/80#post_3461016
Looking good Krista!!!!!

Thanks! I should post pics of my skimmer cup. I officially have gunk.
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/80#post_3461027
Just read thru all 5 pages...man, you've gone through some crap to get this stuff in!! Tank is looking good, though....can't wait to see more!
I think it was all worth it. I'm going to tinker around with the tank a bit on Saturday. I love how the lights slowly ramp up throughout the day and ramp down.
Originally Posted by Kiefers
Woooooow, jealous over here!! Looks great!!
Originally Posted by Tiffanyk
looks great!


Well-Known Member
I'm still on the fence regarding LED lighting. Not because of their effectiveness, but because of the price. I see this becoming much less prohibitive in just a few more years....it's already gone down some, but I think it's going to continue to drop. In the meantime, I'm planning on using an Aquatraders MH fixture on the big tank (bulbs replaced with phoenix, of course) because I just can't justify the cost of the current LEDs to The Wife.


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/80#post_3461116
I'm still on the fence regarding LED lighting. Not because of their effectiveness, but because of the price. I see this becoming much less prohibitive in just a few more years....it's already gone down some, but I think it's going to continue to drop. In the meantime, I'm planning on using an Aquatraders MH fixture on the big tank (bulbs replaced with phoenix, of course) because I just can't justify the cost of the current LEDs to The Wife.
What are the dimensions of the tank???


Well-Known Member
My 110...it's 48x18x29 inches tall. Look for a slow re-build thread probably sometime in March. I started a stocklist thread, but you were the only person who responded!


Well-Known Member
Guess I'm a little late to this thread. It's promising to hear about the color and the fact that you have some corals doing better now. Sorry about the other issues with the lights. The data looked pretty promising...unfortunately that doesn't always make up for the lack of quality in construction and instruction . Glancing at the photos is certainly looks like you could use another unit for better coverage. Is that mount that you got with it able to raise the units higher at all? You could squeeze a little more coverage out of them that way. Let us know what's up with the fan after you tinker with it and swap them around.


Active Member
OMG. I just cleaned the skimmer cup and that thing was nasty. It smelled worse than rotten eggs.