Tank Reincarnation


eric b 125

Definitely looking good! It's a shame you had to go through so much BS with the lights and all, but that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. This hobby has surely taught me about patience!

eric b 125

Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/80#post_3461116
I'm still on the fence regarding LED lighting. Not because of their effectiveness, but because of the price. I see this becoming much less prohibitive in just a few more years....it's already gone down some, but I think it's going to continue to drop. In the meantime, I'm planning on using an Aquatraders MH fixture on the big tank (bulbs replaced with phoenix, of course) because I just can't justify the cost of the current LEDs to The Wife.
I'm right there with you. I'm excited about the potential that LED's have but I'm still not convinced. I'm still happy with the Odyssea fixture I have on my 125. I've been getting good color and growth so I see no need to change yet.


Active Member
if it ain't broke don't fix it. I personally like the way the tank looks with the LED's. I love the shimmer. My Wave Points are great lights, but it lacks the crisp look.
Once you see your tank with the LED's you will be impressed.


Active Member
Thanks everyone!!!
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/80#post_3461713
Any updates on the lights......
Nope, I have not had the time to tinker with them and relay the info to my coralvue contact. Not that he answers my emails now.

I need to take some more daytime pics, but I'm not home much when it is daytime for the tank. I really like the preset setting that I am using for the lights and it looks really good. All of the corals are responding well. I want to branch out into more difficult corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/100#post_3462256
Very nice....
I'm very happy that I made the upgrades with this tank. They are really paying off. The skimmer is doing great. The corals look great. I do need one more fixture, but everything is doing fine right now. I want to add more corals to the tank. I'm just not sure what I want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/390282/tank-reincarnation/100#post_3463403
Any updated pics Krista.......Did you figure out the fan issue with the 1 fixture yet
Pics to come. I haven't had the time to take the fixture down to play with it. I am hoping I can do that tomorrow night. When I remount the fixtures, I am going to play around more with the angles.


Active Member
Update: The fan on the fixture was bad, got that replaced. For some reason, I cannot keep ANY SPS. I still need to order another light which I will be doing this week. I'm going to do a nice big water change and rearrange the rock work a bit. I also need to do a better job of checking my water parameters. I will post some pics this week.


Active Member
Oh, and to anyone reading this thread and thinking about getting LED's in the hopes that it will reduce electricity costs. Don't use that as a factor. My electricity bill did not go down at all. I was running 2x250 MH and 4X96 power compacts and moonlights. I did not run a heater on the tank when I had halides, since I did not need to. I now run a heater on the tank plus the 2 LED modules and I need a third module. However, the LED's will save me money over the years since I don't need to buy bulbs.


Active Member
The tank looks good!!
I would think that the electricity bill would go down at least a bit. Maybe a full year comparison would yield different results. But the new bulb savings can save some big$$.