Tank with ich, testing No-Ich


So my main tank has somehow been nailed with ich. Seem to come from out of the blue. One minute my fish all are fine the next minute I see white dots all over one of them and on the others. So after a ton of reading and I do mean a ton I have decided to give this product by FishVet a try called No-Ich. Just did the first treatment tonight so I thought I would start a thread and let you all know how it goes and keep you updated. My tank is a FOWLR.
In case I ever wanted to goto a reef like I once had I wanted to make sure I stayed away from copper. So I will keep you all posted on how well the stuff works. So skimmer is off and the tank is dosed.
Wish me luck!
2 trigger
1 yellow tank
1 lionfish
1 stars and stripes puffer


Well got up this morning and took a look at the fish to see if anything has changed. Now I did my first dose on Tuesday at around 5pm. This morning it was 6:30am when I checked to see if there has been any change. I am sad to say that I have not noticed a change yet. My fish are eating just fine still and swimming around they just have the white dots and are scratching allot.
I will apply the second dose as the bottle calls for at 5pm this afternoon.
I forgot to add that also I purchase a bottle of garlic soak from the pet store to soak the food in before feeding. I am also letting that food soak over night in the fridge. They did eat the garlic soaked food last night around 7pm. Also all lights have been kept off execept for one blue antic light. (FOWLR) tank so no big deal.
I will update later today after the second dose.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
So my main tank has somehow been nailed with ich. Seem to come from out of the blue
As not to give new hobbyists the wrong idea. Your ick was introduced by a fish or anything you introduced that was wet.
While the ick is in its parasitic stage (attached to the fish) it is in its most protected state. You will have to wait until this stage is over (3 to 7 days) IMO for your medication to brake the life cycle if it can.


Active Member
And the other thing how would you know it was the No-Ich that was the solution? In a proper, stress-free environment, fish can sometimes fight Ich on their own, and repress it down to unnoticeable levels. The No-Ich would be a completely placebo effect.
You could also pour a capful of Mountain Dew in your tank everyday, and if Ich happened to go away, everyone would think that Mountain Dew was the reason.


This is strictly to just note my progress with No-Ich and that's it.
This type of thing seems to be a very heated item at times.
That is one thing I have learned from trying to find the best way to treat ich.
Day 2 afternoon....
I just dosed my tank again at around 5pm.
I do still some white on the fish however not anywhere near what it was. Also I have noticed that the fish are not scratching like they were.
This is also the second day I have fed squid and krill that has been soaking in the fridge with garlic. I am not sure if garlic will help or not as that is yet another thing that is heated. It is talked about all the time but there is no clear answer if it works or not. Some people seem to swear by it and others seem to say it only attracks the fish into eating. But I figured it can't hurt.
All filters are still off.
I want to stress here... I am by no means an expert in any of this and by no means pushing the product No-Ich. This is strictly to just note the progress of the way I have selected to treat this after reading every article I could find which by the way only got me more confused then anything. This is such a thing as too much information and this is one subject that has just that... To much info with very little consistency outside of copper use that is.
The problem I find with all the copper articles I read is that most are out of date. 2 to 3 years ago. I am sure that copper does work well, that has been proven. However I wanted to find something a bit more safe for the tank for future use. Even though I have a FOWLR you never know what the future holds and going copper would rather make sure what the future holds.
After much reading No-Ich seemed to be the product to try.
Will it work? You're guess is as good as mine at this point.
Only been 2 days and time will tell.
No matter the results there are those die hard copper fans that refuse to acknowledge that a product just might work and work well.
Again you're guess is as good as mine.
Day 3 morning will be next. I will keep you posted.


why did you turn the filters off? i know your supposed to remove the carbon but never heard anything bout unpluggin the filters


All I run is a protien skimmer and you can not use this while using No-Ich as the skimmer will just remove it from the water. It does say if you really need to use a skimmer you can but them you needto double the amount you put in.


Originally Posted by unleashed
cuz you don't hypo a puffer fish ....they cannot handle the stress of lower salinity
They most certainly can. They have a hard time with copper.
I find it quite ironic that I was chastised by a person that just got ich and is trying out this new med for the first time. I don't know why I am surprised being that most people that do that are trying the newest thing, it still surprised me. Good luck to you...


Ich has a life cycle. You will see them all drop off of the fish. You will assume that there is no ich there. Meanwhile each parasite is multiplying by the hundrends... Be ready. If your fish are healthy then they may be able to fend off some of them...Cycle a QT if you want to save them.


Chastise you? I must not be seeing all you're posts. This is the first post I see by you?
I was just stating that this threat was only to show the progress of the treatment I have selected to use and nothing more. Also my remarks were just stating the facts... There is a ton of information out there, in fact too much. Everybody has their way of addressing this issue it seems. Some work for some while it does not work for others. Again this is the mothod I selected. Might work, might not. That is the point... I am finding out which is the only way to know.
Well it is a new morning.
Took at a look and I must say the fish do look better. The only one that seems to be hanging on with the ich is the tang (big suprise there) however even the tang does look much better. Today will be the 3rd dose.
So I guess so far its following the path that the directions said it would.
From their site....
How does No-ICH work?
No-ICH disrupts the life cycle of the Cryptocaryon irritans parasite during the critical free swimming stage while having no effect on the health of your marine fish, corals, invertebrates, live rock, macro algaes or nitrifying bacterial colonies.

So I am guessing that this means if used as long as it should be that the parasites should die. As I said before though... Time will tell.
I will post again later this afternoon.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I would be interested if anyone can find out how No Ick kills the parasite in its free-swimming Theronts stage. As we all know that stage lasts from 24 to 48 hours. Now with up to 200 theronts released from the encystment stage No ick would have to have a 100% kill rate almost instantaneously or run the risk of re -infection as a reef keeper I would love a copper free reef safe alterative to Hypo I just wish we had more info on how this product works

eric b 125

i hope you have good luck with this product. i'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but i still think that hypo is the best solution to ich. i just don't really see the need to add chemicals to treat something that can be taken care of without them. this is JMO, and who knows, if this stuff seems to work, maybe i'll give it a shot someday.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Some more thoughts on No Ick. If we started treatment as soon as we spotted signs of the parasite we would have to treat for about 6 weeks to get to the free swimming stage. The web site for this product states that it is biodegradable after 4-5 days. You would have to over lap doses I would assume to keep the product potent. And with out a way to test for this product how does the hobbyist know if they are over dosing


Good questions. Some of which I have no idea.
Well tonight there is just about no more signs of Ich!
Not sure if it was the No-Ich or nature but either way it is vanishing rapidly on all fish and the fish are acting very normal once again.
The No-Ich says that once you notice the change to then start using it every other day so that I what I will do not at this point. I will dose again on Saturday. I did turn my skimmer back on tonight. It has been off for 2 days and thats about as long as I can go and still keep the water good. Because of this though I will increase the doses a bit as the bottle says to do.
So far so good!
Also I am continuing to feed the food soaked in garlic. This may sound strange but my fish like the food better without the garlic I have noticed.
Not sure what that is all about since I thought garlic was something they love. Who knows...


Active Member
Originally Posted by LRoberts
Chastise you? I must not be seeing all you're posts. This is the first post I see by you?
I think this is another thread she is talking about. Us "oldtimers" seems to be holding up progress of Noobs now-a-days.


Active Member
ocean i hope you dont mean to hypo the whole tank with the rock in it.
probably an over site.
i am at the end of my hypo on my 225 some corals brought the ich in.
had to take out 300 fricken pounds of rock.what a pain.