Originally Posted by
Cranberry http:///t/387359/tanked/140#post_3415046
Ya, influenced kids who have parents that can't say no. The local state aquarium perpetuated the whole nemo with one of their displays as well as promoting inappropriate stocking. Why aren't y'all banging on the doors of the local state aquariums that are actually suppose to be for educational purposes and not entertainment like this show? It's hypocritically to "OH and AH" there and then try to beat the snot out of this show.
When I posted this pic, alot of people were like "AWESOME!", "THAT IS SO COOL" "WOW, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT DISPLAY". Now that the tanks are in a silly show and not in an educational facility, were gonna have a fit? Hypocritical my friend... hypocritical.

But people who can afford the tanks they build... they aren't watching this show.
I don't remember ever seeing this picture. Honestly, it makes me sick to see how many fish are in there. If I visit a place that has aquariums anywhere near that, I'm usually pretty vocal in my thoughts--to the point I embarrass my family. So I don't really feel like I am being hypocritical. Honestly, I've never seen an aquarium around here stocked like that. Our local zoo has a couple of huge saltwater aquariums that are appropriately stocked. The closest I have seen to that is Shedds Aquarium and Epcot--they can't even compare. Some of their tanks do have too much in them, but nothing even close to that. Most of the massively overstocked tanks I have seen have been local reefers or aquarium shops.
I do agree about kids influencing parents. Thousands more children watched Nemo than will ever see Tanked. Although my kids have watched it a couple of times--even they comment how on how they set their tanks up and the stock they use. Guess they listen to us more than we realized.