The "C" Word

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
you don't know the relationship i have with darth tang, he's my shining star

Only on Tuesdays, remember?

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
yeah, how is winter weather in texas? i'll bet you're nice in warm all in your southern state... ugh!!!! STUPID 10" OF SNOW TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The snow isn't stupid, just a little slow is all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Because he already had it............if Bandcamp is a she I will eat my Panther Grouper with a seahorse garnish.


Active Member
Hehe... 10 inches of snow in Texas would destroy our state's budget for 100 years..
We've got like 1mm of ice on the roads an there are cars in the ditches evey 100 feet (I ws almost one of them a few times).
Seriously, we can't drive in bad weather... I guess it's like watching the news every summer when a "heat" wave hits the north and people are dying by the hundreds at the record 90 degree heat... No one from the south understands how that's possible.
It was warm here.. in fact it was 88 Saturday. not today though, dang it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
.. winter weather in Texas means everything shuts down..

It was 9 here today!! :mad:


it's about 15 here now...
and journeyman, i know what you're talking about. In FL, we would get little snow flakes 1 day out of the year, and they didn't even stick to the ground, and people would be going like 15 under the speed limit!!! Drives me CRAZY!!!! People up here aren't much better, though. It's really bad. Actually, come to think of it, they drive worse in rain storms than in snow storms... odd...