The "C" Word


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Most of the Christian symbols were actually stolen from Pagan beliefs as a way to help convert the Pagans to Christianity.
“The idea to celebrate Christmas on December 25 originated in the 4th century. The Catholic Church wanted to eclipse the festivities of a rival pagan religion that threatened Christianity's existence. The Romans celebrated the birthday of their sun god, Mithras during this time of year. Although it was not popular, or even proper, to celebrate people's birthdays in those times, church leaders decided that in order to compete with the pagan celebration they would themselves order a festival in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the actual season of Jesus' birth is thought to be in the spring, the date of December 25 was chosen as the official birthday celebration as Christ's Mass so that it would compete head on with the rival pagan celebration. Christmas was slow to catch on in America. The early colonists considered it a pagan ritual. The celebration of Christmas was even banned by law in Massachusetts in colonial days”.

Winter Soltice December 21st


Active Member
I am not an athesit nor am I a follower of the Bible.
I agree that no one should try and place new names on things that have been celebrated through out the years either.
I think that this is why they are named what they are though.
Christmas was originally the supposed birth of Christ. Became about a man in a Red Suit who flies in a sleigh to bring present to children through out the world.
Easter- Resurrection of Christ became about a Bunny Rabbit who hides eggs (??? this one still confuses me I guess a chicken wasn't cute enough to do this job!) for children to find.
Yet the people who go to church do their thing (Midnight Mass and sorry I don't know what you all do in church for Easter)
I think the reason things were changed to Santa and the Easter Bunny were for the folks who didn't believe in God and do not attend church.


Originally Posted by BandCampMe
religious people are ridiculous
we're keeping this conversation civil, and if you're going to come in here and put down people, it won't be tolerated.
kelly, i think those holidays were turned into that by hallmark. Did you know hallmark actually owns the "santa clause" image? they created him, just like sweetest day, and valentines day, and all those other stupid holidays so they can make more money. and i agree. they should just be left alone. As you stated, christmas really isn't about Jesus anymore... it's about santa clause, and "ooohh what kind of presents am i going to get???" I think it's ridiculous...


i ask you one question, you answer me without any of your silliness, ok?
would there be any 'non-believers' if there weren't any 'believers'?
terms like these were created to divide, to manipulate, and to discriminate.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
i ask you one question, you answer me without any of your silliness, ok?
would there be any 'non-believers' if there weren't any 'believers'?
terms like these were created to divide, to manipulate, and to discriminate.
No, they are created to distinguish between things. People are always going to have something to believe in (isn't that a song?). Therefore there will always be those that don't believe. It applies to all walks of life and situations. Not just religion. I could believe I will hit the lottery. You may believe I won't. Therefore you are a nonbeliever in my ability to pick the powerball numbers. Does the term discriminate, divide, or manipulate you in anyway when used in this context? No it does not. Just another example of people looking for something that isn't there.


i agree with that, but keep it civil. No need to come in here and call religious people ridiculous... i could say the same thing about non-believers, but i won't, because that would be rude and inconsiderate, and that's not what this thread is about....
you remind me of someone i used to know on here...


Originally Posted by jdragunas
i agree with that, but keep it civil. No need to come in here and call religious people ridiculous... i could say the same thing about non-believers, but i won't, because that would be rude and inconsiderate, and that's not what this thread is about....
you remind me of someone i used to know on here...
well i don't know you. but i can tell you like to argue. and i am very civil. calling someone ridiculous is no ruder than telling someone he'll go to hell if he doesn't believe


i didn't tell you you'll go to hell if you don't believe. That's rude... and yes, i LOVE to argue.


you might not have said it but that's probably what you are thinking.
arguing makes baby jesus cry, mmk?


but i don't say it. What you think is something totally different. People think horrible things about other people all of the time... human nature. The polite thing to do is to not voice those opinions that will hurt other people's feelings.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
but i don't say it.
so you DO think it!! that hurts feelings, not just mine either. you hurt michelle's feelings too.


who's michelle?
and yes, every christian in the world thinks it, because that's what the bible says... don't be offended. but i don't march around saying "oh, so and so is going to hell". and if you don't believe, then you don't believe in hell either, so what does it matter to you anyway? That's like me being upset because you think i'm going to turn into nothing when i die...


actually when you die you leave your bones and filth behind. that's not nothing. your thoughts die with your brain when it ceases functioning. to the world, you no longer exist, except in the mind of those who knew you.


because it's nothing bad, not to you, and definitely not to me.
but when you think someone's going to hell, you think it's because they are bad and they deserve to go to a bad place.


Active Member

Originally Posted by BandCampMe
because it's nothing bad, not to you, and definitely not to me.
but when you think someone's going to hell, you think it's because they are bad and they deserve to go to a bad place.
Yipes, that some mixed up ideas..
Christians don't believe "bad" people go to Hell... Christians believe "all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God" and that "the wages of sin is death".
don't misquote Christian beliefs. We get enough bad press as it is...
Welcome to the boards! Just don't come here expecting to get into a big flame war. The community around here is pretty civil.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BandCampMe
religious people are ridiculous
By engaging in conversation with others about religion you are in fact being religious. I suggest you buy some books or search the net and become more informed on the differences between religion and spirituality. If you were not "religious" you would not have posted. It is obvious from your posts that you feel threatened by what has been said. You seem to be lashing out at something you don't understand. To form an opinion about Christ without knowing Him is just plain silly. Find out who He was and what He did, then your opinions will be better founded. I suggest reading the book of Matthew, who was Jewish, as he was there with Jesus and knew Him personally. If you don't want to believe that's your business and I will not try to convince you otherwise. If I were to move to ....say....Mexico and didn't like their established holiday of The Day of the Dead, I wouldn't try to change their customs to fit into my perfect little world. Just leave Christmas as it is. If people try to make money off it then that's between them and God. We can shop someplace else if we don't like it. That's what's so great about America.


i don't spin.
how do you expect not to get 'bad press' when you 'print' your slogan on people's money?


Originally Posted by socal57che
Find out who He was and what He did, then your opinions will be better founded.
well and you formed an opinion on me based on one sentence i wrote. so i don't even know how to respond to you.