The "C" Word


Active Member
Whoops, I actually thought those were two different words, Darth.
It means ridiculous. It's a very odd word when you think about it.


ok, so if we can't call christmas by what it is, does that mean that we can act all offended by everyone else's holidays?!? they're holidays. which are celebrated by certain groups of people. not everyone. get over it.
hol·i·day n.
1. A day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event.
2. A religious feast day; a holy day.
3. Chiefly British. A vacation. Often used in the phrase on holiday.
Christ·mas n.
1. A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus.
2. December 25, the day on which this feast is celebrated.
3. Christmastide.
someone please let me know when religions learn equality. if the people that are christian have no problem whatsoever with any of the other religions, why do so many other religions have a problem with christianity??? and i know a few of the people bashing christmas and 'in God we trust' are atheist, but we don't bother them any either!

michelle l

"...and i know most of the people bashing christmas and 'in God we trust' are atheist, but we don't bother them any either!"
I don't quite agree with that. I am atheist, but I have no problem with anyone celebrating any religion, or prayer in school, or saying "God Bless You," or anything of that nature. Christianity is what our great country was founded upon. I just ask that nobody try to force me into believing what I don't believe or trying to "save me." I respect other's right to worship God, though. I ask that they respect my choice not to. I know there are freak shows out there who try to force their atheism on others, but they are not the norm.
I don't know where you get your info, but all atheists that I know don't bash Christmas. We all celerate it too because it's how we were raised, and it means more than just celebrating the birth of's a celebration of friends and family. I occasionally attend Christmas services with my husband (devout Catholic) simply because I think that the atmosphere is wonderful and peaceful, and I enjoy the feeling of unity among the people there, even though many of them don't know each other. It's nice.
I think that there are more atheists out there than what people think, we just don't broadcast it because it makes us a target. It's easier to just not say anything. I have encountered several people who say that they don't believe in God after the conversation sort of drifts that direction. Once they learn that I don't have any religious belief, they opened up and said that they didn't either. But none of us have carried on like idiots, trying to get things changed or eliminated to satisfy our beliefs.
I don't get the whole eliminating Christmas thing either. For crying out loud, a Christmas tree is a symbol of a religious holiday, with a distinct history and purpose, just as other religions have symbols for their religious artifacts. That doesn't mean that other religions need to demand that those symbols undergo a name change!!

I can understand some small groups wanting to stop the practice of cashiers saying "Merry Christmas!!" to them if they don't even celebrate Christmas. It would get on my nerves if everyone kept saying, "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Kwanzaa" or "Happy 'Eid ul-Adha." when I didn't celebrate it. I don't approve of banning the term "Christmas," but I can say that I understand why people get touchy about it. But to stop the practice of saying "Christmas Sale" in ads and banning the term "Christmas Tree" is just ridiculous. "Holiday Tree?" Come on! What other religion uses a tree as their symbol for the holiday?? And to keep kids from having a Christmas party?? Please!!
The previous poster was right. Other religions need to tolerate Christmas, just as we tolerate their holidays. The majority of the US, (and perhaps the world?) celebrates Christmas. Don't try to mess with the names of things. It's just not right.


Originally Posted by Michelle L
"...and i know most of the people bashing christmas and 'in God we trust' are atheist, but we don't bother them any either!"
I don't quite agree with that. I am atheist, but I have no problem with anyone celebrating any religion, or prayer in school, or saying "God Bless You," or anything of that nature. Christianity is what our great country was founded upon. I just ask that nobody try to force me into believing what I don't believe or trying to "save me." I respect other's right to worship God, though. I ask that they respect my choice not to. I know there are freak shows out there who try to force their atheism on others, but they are not the norm.
I don't know where you get your info, but all atheists that I know don't bash Christmas. We all celerate it too because it's how we were raised, and it means more than just celebrating the birth of's a celebration of friends and family. I occasionally attend Christmas services with my husband (devout Catholic) simply because I think that the atmosphere is wonderful and peaceful, and I enjoy the feeling of unity among the people there, even though many of them don't know each other. It's nice.

really sorry about that....guess i wasn't really thinking about each and every word i typed, and i tend to kind of exaggerate (sp?) a little. i changed it!


Active Member
Most of the Christian symbols were actually stolen from Pagan beliefs as a way to help convert the Pagans to Christianity.
“The idea to celebrate Christmas on December 25 originated in the 4th century. The Catholic Church wanted to eclipse the festivities of a rival pagan religion that threatened Christianity's existence. The Romans celebrated the birthday of their sun god, Mithras during this time of year. Although it was not popular, or even proper, to celebrate people's birthdays in those times, church leaders decided that in order to compete with the pagan celebration they would themselves order a festival in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the actual season of Jesus' birth is thought to be in the spring, the date of December 25 was chosen as the official birthday celebration as Christ's Mass so that it would compete head on with the rival pagan celebration. Christmas was slow to catch on in America. The early colonists considered it a pagan ritual. The celebration of Christmas was even banned by law in Massachusetts in colonial days”.


I have to second the thought about hating those who try to "save you" or "convert" you. You are free to worship who you would like and so am I, so don't push it on me.


Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
Its a festivus for the rest of us!!!!!!!!
(sry i just noticed someone else posted it, oh wel i love the episode.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Most of the Christian symbols were actually stolen from Pagan beliefs as a way to help convert the Pagans to Christianity.
“The idea to celebrate Christmas on December 25 originated in the 4th century. The Catholic Church wanted to eclipse the festivities of a rival pagan religion that threatened Christianity's existence. The Romans celebrated the birthday of their sun god, Mithras during this time of year. Although it was not popular, or even proper, to celebrate people's birthdays in those times, church leaders decided that in order to compete with the pagan celebration they would themselves order a festival in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the actual season of Jesus' birth is thought to be in the spring, the date of December 25 was chosen as the official birthday celebration as Christ's Mass so that it would compete head on with the rival pagan celebration. Christmas was slow to catch on in America. The early colonists considered it a pagan ritual. The celebration of Christmas was even banned by law in Massachusetts in colonial days”.
100% agree!!! Was even taught this in Cathloic School!!


Active Member
hey, i dont believe in god, either (although i was raised roman catholic)
dec 25 is christmas. doesnt matter if your in fiji, africa, isreal, or south dakota.
next thing you know, they'll change the phrase of "thanksgiving" to something stupid.


Michelle L.
I hafta give you a compliment on how you handle yourself. I wish all athiests would handle there self as you do. You didn't argue or force your opinion or even justify it. You simply don't believe in God you are comfortable with that. While accepting that others are comfortable with their faith. It's simple, but huge.
As far as Christmas... It's been mentioned, but for the sake of redundancy... They day was "created" to be a celebration. It "turned into" a commercialised, profit making scam over hyped by dept. stores. On one end of the spectrum, you can say to call it by another name because the reason for it's celebration is very rarely seen anymore.
It IS family time, but that was a result, not the cause. When I see grown men fighting for the last X-Box or frenzied women tramping on another to bust down the doors of a store, I see no Christ in the holiday. Maybe it would be an eye opener for even Christians, if they were to rename the holiday.
For me, I try to encorporate Christ in all this gift giving and celebration, but I admit that I lose sight too...
Changing the name of Christmas... :thinking:
That's something to ponder...


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
hey, i dont believe in god, either (although i was raised roman catholic)



ok, i was thinking about this on the way home, and this is what i have come to conclude. If they want to use a tree to symbolize the holdiay spirit, it should be called a christmas tree, because that's what it is. You can't just take one of our symbols and change it to something different to conform to those who are too easily offended. If they want a "holiday symbol", they need to use something that is not representative of any denomination, such as a wreath, or a great big candle, or something else. You cannot dissect our religion (christians), and just take pieces of it and change them to meet your needs... ooooooh this irks me!!!!

darth tang

Active Member
I have a friend that isn't religious. He dislikes Christmas trees. But in the vein of christmas he still gets a tree. But it is a palm tree and decorates that. He doesn't try to change the original thing, he uses something different. This, I respect.


i agree.. it's actually really cute! I would do that if i lived in hawaii or florida, or CA or something like that!


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
He dislikes Christmas trees. But in the vein of christmas he still gets a tree.
Um...I think that's stupid. Sorry. Don't get me wrong, the palm tree is cute but if he doesn't like Christmas trees then why would he put up any tree at all??
Your friend sounds like an attention needer. He can complain about the tree while showing off his cute idea to use a palm tree. You win either way.


i know a jewish family that puts up a christmas tree and celebrates christmas... it's kinda weird...


Lot of nonCristians now celebrate it, it has been accepted as "tradition". Wish MY birthday will become a tradition!! LOL...


you could become the first female president... even if your birthday didn't become national holiday, i'm sure they'd make some holiday for it... "woman's day"...