The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists


Active Member
After hearing about another person's tank problems, poor choices or unwise decision ....... do not think "oh that will never happen to my tank because mine is so different"
They are different - but still similar.
What bites one of us can bite all of us.


DO NOT sympathy purchase a fish from the LFS because you feel bad for it (getting bitten or picked at or in an overcrowded tank)
DO NOT spend a lot of money on snails, crabs, shrimp, etc. and then buy an eel or shark


Active Member
When going on vacation DO NOT just leave a not saying how much food to feed your fish. For each time you feed your fish put the food in a small baggy and label it... ie... MORNING MONDAY.... NIGHT MONDAY... etc...


Active Member
True LFS questions and stories where i work....
DO NOT place a 150 dollar French Angel in a fresh water tank....
DO NOT ask me if we sell the tanks out of the walls of the store....


Do NOT do anything half assed! Do it once and do it right.
An old carpenter's proverb.... Measure twice and cut once.


Active Member
I agree 100% with the vacation instructions to someone not familair with SW.
Do not ignore the fact that Jawfish like to jump out of your tank.
Do not let people under 10 years old be alone with fish food at the same time.


New Member
Do not trust anyones advice
Do the research, compile the facts and make small adjustments.
P.S it's true there is no 1/2 stepping anything in life ( unless your already 1/2 dead yourself). :)


DO NOT quarantine fish for less than three weeks, no matter how impatient you are.
DO NOT place an angel fish in a tank less than 6 months old.


DO NOT try to make friends with your new petting it!:eek:

tony detroit

Active Member
Do not use greenex
Do not buy a clown sweetlips, seapple, nurse shark,
Do not set up return pump without a check valve or siphon


DO NOT become addicted to SWF messageboards and spend half your work day surfing through everyones threads. :D
DO NOT figure a budget for your will surely become wrapped up in the hobby and soon blow your budget to hell. :rolleyes:
DO NOT add freshly made saltwater to your tank...let it sit for awhile (24 hrs) to thoroughly mix the salt and aerate the water.
DO NOT forget to turn the AC on or aim a fan at the tank during a day when it gets over 90˚:eek:
DO NOT tell your husband he can have a SW tank and then end up picking out all the fish for it yourself... "Who's tank is this anyway?!" :p


DO NOT mix fishes for peaceful community tanks and fishes for aggressive tanks together. For example, mixing an aggressive hardy trigger, no matter how small, with a more delicate angel or butterfly, could only spell future trouble.


DO NOT become addicted to SWF messageboards and spend half your work day surfing through everyones threads.
--loved that one.
how bout ...
DO NOT add up all the receipts for a total cost of system analysis.
DO NOT answer friends question "how much have you spent on this so far?"

sinner's girl

do not add salt to top off water...what was I thinking?
do not listen to S/O when they say don't take the coral out of the tank....
do not over feed...even if they fish is begging for food and being real cute...
do not turn S/O down to play/watch fish
do not ingore S/O other to play on
Do not let S/O see how many post you've made on or how much time you've spend on
do no be late for work b/c you're posting on'm late...gotta go)
"DO NOT become addicted to SWF messageboards and spend half your work day surfing through everyones threads" impossible, ingore this do not, it simply cannot be done, many have tried...may be able to leave for a little while...but they come back...
"Do not buy a 55 gal aquarium instead of paying the phone bill." just cancel the phone and think of how much money you'll save for fish. fish don't need a phone, why do we?