The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists


Active Member
DO NOT put a little clown fish in with a medium size Lion fish... :eek:
DO NOT get discouraged and give up....:)
DO NOT use your toilet bowl brush to clean your tank... :p
DO NOT wake your wife when your getting out of bed at 2:00 am to go check out the night life in your tank... :D
DO NOT provide inadequate facilities for the critters YOU
decide to keep...:(
DO NOT stop this DO NOT thread...:cool:


Active Member
Do not stick a hand with an open cut inside a fish tank...if you do...Do not wait for ever to go to a doctor because if got infected:(

sinner's girl

"Do not stick a hand with an open cut inside a fish tank...if you do...Do not wait for ever to go to a doctor because if got infected"
did that the other night, hurt like hell.


Active Member
Yeah there is this nasty disease, fish turberculosis of some bigmac has an article with pictures and ahhhh


New Member
Never ever ever give up! :cool:
DO NOT put fish in a tank that has not been checked and prepared properly....but thats common sense :rolleyes:
DO NOT mix clownfish and mandarins together...they WILL fight, (trust me I've had experiance) Not pretty :eek:
DO NOT go out to the boatramp closest to you and cast net for some fish and then put the random fish that you just found in your tank without checking them out.{they might have diseases that could harm your other fish}
DO NOT think that you know everything that there is to know(you dont, trust me).
DO NOT try to set up a tank all by yourself without looking into it, like how to set it up.In other words DO NOT act like you know what your doing and spend hundreds of $ aimlessly



Originally posted by ReefNut
DO NOT tell your significant other how much you spend each week. :cool:

HEHE...cheers to this one! Its amazing how everything gets cut into one third the actual price.


~Do not put hawkfish in with ornamental shrimp
~Do not corner your TANG (all fun and games until it slices your finger with its scalpel)
~Do not wash live rock with freshwater!
~Do not let little children put potpourri in your NEW REEF tank and kill corals and fish from the chemicals within!
~Do not put a maroon clownfish with any peaceful fish including FIREFISH!


Active Member
Do not put a tang in a 20 gal or 30 or 40 gal tank.
Do not put a mandarin in a tank with less than 100lbs of well established live rock.
Do not think that just because Ryebread takes the best pics ever that you should not post yours;)
Do not add macro algae to you main display tank, it will either overun your tank or your tang will eat it all.
Do not try to stay away from this board, the withdrawals are too severe to deal with.


DO NOT do nothing when your nitrate reading is high!
Even though your fishes are swimming normally, it's time for water change.


Do not trust the lfs when he says "that bag of 1,000,000 live brine shrimp will be a treat to your aquarium" You will have an aquarium that looks like a snow globe for days... Trust me.
Do not lie to your s/o about what you have invested in your tank then store all the reciepts in a bag that she will find... Trust me on that too!
Do not tell your s/o that you are going to the auto parts store and come back with 100 bucks worth of tank supplies and no oil for her oil change cause you forgot that's what you went out for.
Do not go to the lfs to look at cool stuff and then come home with a puppy... Trust me on that too. All though the wife and Ollie have bonded now and she stays out of my fish room now asking questions that I have to lie about now.


Oh, I almost forgot.
Do not leave your aquarium uncovered if you have a cat... He will figure a way to get that prize fish.


Active Member
DO NOT forget and leave frozen squid out on the kitchen counter overnight :(
DO NOT pick it up the next day to see if it smells bad :eek:


that squid thing, I hate frozen squid, my water from the squid leaked out of the bag overnight, YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and it really tastes bad when you don't see the water coming out from the siphon and it squits into your mouth.
I second the cat thing, my cat is declawed, so she can't get the fish, but she sure knows how to make the water level go down, I don't know how she drinks it, I keep salt in all of my tanks, even the fw, YUCK again!


Oh, btw, charliecat, how would you know that clownfish and mandarins don't get along? Quick, tell me what a mandarin looks like!;)


New Member
FyI, mistylab, remember my telling everyone how i might get a mandarin and clownfish and put them together?? ;) Someone (not u) told me that if i put mandarin and clownfish together...they will fight.
You are right...I can't really describe what a mandarin looks like. :( Probably because I've only seen one like once or twice. :)