The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists


Active Member

Originally posted by Dacia
DO NOT cycle a tank with live fish EVER. I will be forced to throw you in a toxic waste dump and watch your lungs fill with garbage is you do. :mad:

tahoe ocean

Do not come home from work and go directly to the tank BEFORE giving the appropriate human greeting to your spouse and kids.
(once done however, Hi fishys! Time for Mommy to do a head count!)



Originally posted by ReefNut
DO NOT tell your significant other how much you spend each week. :cool:

I hear that...I'm the significant other and I would definitely rather NOT know.:eek:


do not think to yourself this is the last thing im buying for my tank
ive been doing that for a year and a half now and dont wanna think about how much more ive spent since then :)


DO NOT ignore experienced people when they tell you a Frogfish will eat anything that can fit in its mouth....ANYTHING!! :mad:
(fish don't care how much other fish cost or whether they are poisonous)


Active Member

Originally posted by myescape0
I hear that...I'm the significant other and I would definitely rather NOT know.:eek:

:D My wife would rather not know.... ;)

sinner's girl

I feed clowns and stars love them...I didn't know they weren't for swf, there is a pic's of a clown on the box....umm...I'll have to look in to that.... my mother-in-law threw away our frozen brine (cleaing out the freezer...)...and the lfs is they'll have to do with bloodworms for now.
"DO NOT keep a CC Star in the same tank with snails!" ours liked to knock the snails off the glass then suck thier was cute the first time....
do not run out of fresh water to add to the tank...
do not drink from the fish water containers...
do not spends hours on here when you should be working/studing/cleaning/whatever...opps,


Do not talk about salt water aquaria or animals with your high school friends, you will become much less popular than you already are for appreciating chemistry and biology
Do not go against common knowledge and popular belief in an attempt to 'defy the odds' (My pufferfish will never go after my crabs...)
Do not feed a .25 cent feeder goldfish to a $30+ marine fish, Murphy's law dictates that that feeder goldfish will likely wipe out your marine fish.
Do not let your mother pick out the first fish for the tank, especially when she knows you want a lionfish so she intentionally gets 3 very small damsels and then claims she is "attached" to them just to spite you. Oh well, a lion wouldn't have fit very well into a 75 gallon tank anyways.


Active Member
DO NOT forget you turned on your RO/DI and leave it running for 24 hours spilling 100g of fresh water in your laundry room... :rolleyes:


Active Member
Do not ruin a date by taking an hour and talking about ur fish tanks and ending it with showing wallet pictures of ur tanks.


Active Member
Do not grab ur snow flake eel in an effort to get him off of your puffer. It hurts in the end... before reacting too quickly think it out.


Dont go buy a fish or coral because it looks pretty buy it because its healty.
make sure to keep a eye on the temp dont boil your tank. (killed my kids freshwater fish forgot to adjust temp boiled the fish) :(


Active Member
DO NOT grab for a light that falls in the water
DO NOT leave a newly connected DIY out of tank skimmer unattended while it pumps 40 gallons of water into the apartment underneath.
DO NOT poke me with your finger in unmentionable areas while I am balanced one foot on a step ladder trying to clean the bottom of the 90 gallon.:mad: :mad:
DO NOT forget to leave drip loops on ALL electrical cords, so the water won't run to the power source and catch you powerstrip and stand on fire.
DO NOT use RIO pumps for anything other than powerheads, and make sure they aren't all you have.
DO NOT add twenty different BS products from the LFS because the label sounds good.
DO NOT think one powerhead is plenty for a reef.
DO NOT freak out if you drop a rock on something, and try to blame it on your S/O for distracting you.
DO NOT freak out and swear like a madman if you knock over a coral and it stings everything in sight on it's way down....where it lands on another coral and they sting each other like it's fun.
DO NOT think you won't find a stray hair or two in your ear when you are older.