The Golden Compass


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
I didn't know what you meant by the initial question.
But to answer your question... no I wouldn't. I do however believe that people or groups would. But let me step back... if the story was the same as it is ...or I guess a better way to put it is that I have a problem with the message. Regardless of who wrote the book the message is not a message that I agree with and I believe it to be very negative.
that is pretty much the answer i expected...
do you let your kids watch the Matrix or Star Wars???


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Originally Posted by WangoTango
. I enjoy these types of film, but it's all made up. It's fun to imagine that there's a program that we can plug into to fight evil, but there isn't. Just like there isn't an evil galactic empire that has a spacestation orbiting our planet waiting to blow it up. I first saw Star Wars when I was young. Nobody had to tell me that it was pretend. I really think that kids are intelligent enough to determine whether or not they beleive or agree with things they see.
I don't know it this happened locally, but on the news the other night some parents were outraged, and claimed that their child was overweight, and was influenced to be that way, because Santa Claus is overweight. Next we're going to have to have a Santa for every race, ethnicity, and gender. You can't please everyone.
You guys are missing the point. The Matrix is Judeo/Christian in theme, there may be some other minor elements, but Neo basically is the Messiah or Jesus. Morpheus I believe is John the Baptist and Trinity is the Holy Spirit.
Star Wars may have some elements in it also that the creator (Lucas?) used to develop a story... the messages in these movies ar basically a good vs evil and are not soley meant to spread an agenda. Take this story, the author who has said he wants to kill God in the minds of children, has a very clear agenda and his books are meant to be more than symbolic. But his story is not just made up... This book/movie is as I said a message that is wrapped in a pretty package to make it look fun and fantacy, but is evil in nature.
But that's my point about Santa... if you have a child that said he wants to be like Santa, why wouldn't you think a child would be influenced by a movie or book?


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Originally Posted by Jmick
Rylan, would you take your kids to see The Passion of Christ?
No, too young.
But, thats a silly question because we are Christian.
Let me elaborate on too young... some of the images may be too difficult for a young child...isn't the movie rated R?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
that is pretty much the answer i expected...
do you let your kids watch the Matrix or Star Wars???
Yes I would, I don't see anything wrong with those movies. I would not allow them to watch horror movies or some of the stuff that comes on Cartoon Network afer 10pm.
When they get older, I may change my position in some ways and allow them to make some of their own decision, but I still will be involved. Take some rap music for example... I listen to rap, but with some artists there are some bad messages that I want my children to beable to discern and not to engage in, just like for some rock or whatever music.
But I think its naive to believe that forms of entertainment do not have some impact.


Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't believe magic is make believe. And I am not referring to David Copperfield and optical illusions.
Salem witch trials were a real percieved threat, although many of those people may have been innocent... Look it up... it is a practice...real life practice...these things make people think that this stuff is just fun and games, which it is not. Wiccans are the real life Harry Potters.
Check out those websites I posted, and you'll get a better idea of the themes of the movie. Oh, and didn't the author of Harry Potter seek advise from wiccans?
If this magic you talk about does exist do you know how hard it would be for your kids to get ahold of the proper knowledge or person that could teach them that? I have never heard a FACTUAL story of a single person in modern times being able to harness any kind of dark magic.....Have you? It doesn't exist, that is just religions way of scaring you enough to believe in it.


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Originally Posted by WangoTango
I don't know it this happened locally, but on the news the other night some parents were outraged, and claimed that their child was overweight, and was influenced to be that way, because Santa Claus is overweight. Next we're going to have to have a Santa for every race, ethnicity, and gender. You can't please everyone.
Not too far from happening already.. I saw a news article today that said that in Australia the guys that dress up and play Santa Clause are no longer allowed to say "ho, ho, ho" because it is derogatory to women...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You guys are missing the point. The Matrix is Judeo/Christian in theme, there may be some other minor elements, but Neo basically is the Messiah or Jesus. Morpheus I believe is John the Baptist and Trinity is the Holy Spirit.
Oh, you have got to be kidding! This is a sci-fi story and has nothing to do with religion. In either case, even if it was religious in origin, it would NOT be Judeo- Christian since Judaism does not believe in jesus as the messiah, John the baptist or the holy spirit


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
No, too young.
But, thats a silly question because we are Christian.
Let me elaborate on too young... some of the images may be too difficult for a young child...isn't the movie rated R?
Just because a movie has a christain theme doesn't mean it carries a good message. I went and saw the Passion at the theater when it came out and it is one of the only movies I have ever walked out on (the other being Hook back in the day).
Put it this way, I think the story of Jesus dying on the cross in the bible is rather moving and powerful. However, M Gibson's big screen version is perverted, violent, antisemetic and just plain wrong.


Active Member
I think one iteresting point is that you are highly recommending people not go see this movie or read the book, yet you have not seen the movie or read the books.


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Originally Posted by DragonZim
Oh, you have got to be kidding! This is a sci-fi story and has nothing to do with religion. In either case, even if it was religious in origin, it would NOT be Judeo- Christian since Judaism does not believe in jesus as the messiah, John the baptist or the holy spirit
I started responding but re-read your post. Are you refering to The Matrix or The Golden Compass?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
I think one iteresting point is that you are highly recommending people not go see this movie or read the book, yet you have not seen the movie or read the books.
What I am saying is for Christian parents... do your own research before you let your kids go see the movie. I've done my own and do not need to see it to comment on what the movie is about.
Do you have to experience something to know that it is wrong? The answer is no...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What I am saying is for Christian parents... do your own research before you let your kids go see the movie. I've done my own and do not need to see it to comment on what the movie is about.
Do you have to experience something to know that it is wrong? The answer is no...
why just christian parents???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Just because a movie has a christain theme doesn't mean it carries a good message. I went and saw the Passion at the theater when it came out and it is one of the only movies I have ever walked out on (the other being Hook back in the day).
Put it this way, I think the story of Jesus dying on the cross in the bible is rather moving and powerful. However, M Gibson's big screen version is perverted, violent, antisemetic and just plain wrong.
The movie is violent... but what do you think a cruxifiction is like? The movie is not antisemetic in my opinion because it gives an accurate description of the events. I don't want to turn this into that thread, but the movie is not antisemetic. I think the movie was excellent. I am curious about why you walked out... I would guess that you enjoy movies that are much more graphic, violent, and offensive.... But not to get off subject...we can discuss that in another thread in the future.


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Originally Posted by ruaround
why just christian parents???
Really all parents... but the movie is very anti-christian and anti-God, and I am assuming that many who are not Christian will not care to research it because the movie would not be contrary to their beliefs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What I am saying is for Christian parents... do your own research before you let your kids go see the movie. I've done my own and do not need to see it to comment on what the movie is about.
Do you have to experience something to know that it is wrong? The answer is no...
I disagree with the last two sentances of what you wrote. Sure there are things like drugs, prostitution, crime that you don't have to experience to know they are wrong. However, when it comes to the arts you should really have a more open mind and experience something on your own before you denounce it as evil.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I disagree with the last two sentances of what you wrote. Sure there are things like drugs, prostitution, crime that you don't have to experience to know they are wrong. However, when it comes to the arts you should really have a more open mind and experience something on your own before you denounce it as evil.
Okay, I can see what you are saying; however, you can include the "arts" into the same category. Everything is not okay and though you have the freedom to participate doesn' mean you should.
Some could say that child images are art, while others say it is a crime. If you get what I'm saying...
Evil or Destructive things come in all forms, and the deception is placed there to make you think that is okay...its not hurting anything... but it moves you further from God or hurts you in some other way. Now, this is not a preaching session and I am not trying to place my beliefs on you or tell you not to see this movie... but if you are a parent or person that is thinking of seeing it and you believe in God, then research the books before you participate. All I'm saying.
After you see the movie for those who will see it, I would like to discuss the symbolism and themes.


This sadly is the same reason why groups like the ESRB feel that they need to rate some games (Manhunt 2) Adults Only, well knowing that nothing will read AO titles. Thus ruining it for the ones who actually want it. Censorship at its finest... I am so glad we have Freedom of Speech.
Let the children find out on their own. If they want to see it they will see it, whether you want them to or not. Children don't follow parents every word. Do you not do anything your parents told you not to?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I started responding but re-read your post. Are you refering to The Matrix or The Golden Compass?
The Matrix


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
New children's movie. Saw previews that look very entertaining; however, the movie/ book endorses aethiest and anti-church beliefs even though they are watered down in the movie, and the author of the book is someone who has said he hates children's books/movies such as The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe/Narnia because of their christian themes.
I've done some research on the book (series) and at the end the main character kills God in the third book.
What are your opinons... are you going to see the movie.... is it no big deal .... Do you agree with the author .... is this an attempt to spread an aethiest agenda... Is the message bad for children or acceptable...?
It is up to the parents to teach there children about life and religion not a movie. So if they see it hopefully mom and dad will do there job and properly educate there children.