The I Hate Cheaters (Barry Bonds) Thread


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Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
My question is, how much did steroids play into his hitting homeruns. Instead of barely making it over the wall they went to the upper deck.....would this change the fact that it is still a homerun....except the distance is greater. regardless, strength plays very little in the hitting of a homerun...Like I said all it affects is it hits the upper deck instead of the lower deck. Go back, look at films, and see how many made it only to the lower deck.....not that many.
with age you should lose power... not gain power... his first, 100th and 200th barely cleared the wall... now he is crushing them in the bay 15 years later... a lead off hitter to clean up power hitter... hmmm somethin is


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
My question is, how much did steroids play into his hitting homeruns. Instead of barely making it over the wall they went to the upper deck.....would this change the fact that it is still a homerun....except the distance is greater. regardless, strength plays very little in the hitting of a homerun...Like I said all it affects is it hits the upper deck instead of the lower deck. Go back, look at films, and see how many made it only to the lower deck.....not that many.

Are you kidding me, seriously.
From Age 36-40 Barry Bonds hit 258 homeruns, or roughly 1/3 of his homeruns. All of a sudden in 5 yrs of a 22 year career he found the light, and started hitting homeruns. I don't care who was on steroids, I don't care if the Managers were on steroids, IT STILL DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.


Active Member
Cracks me up that the guy actually had the gusto to say how much he admired and respected Hank Aaron last night. The guy is nuts, if he admires and respects someone so much, how could you steal something from them.
In 98 when Big Mac and Sosa were hitting the homeruns I thought it was the greatest thing in the world. Now that I am older and I understand a little better what was really going on, it makes me sick. It makes me sick that I actually got duped by MLB.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
It makes me sick that I actually got duped by MLB.
This is a good point. MLB definitely has some culpability for not testing and looking the other way when they needed fanfare, (after the strike). The players association is also to blame for fighting against testing so vehemently. Bonds is not the only wrongdoer here, he is just the one who benefited the most by breaking the greatest record in sports. That and the fact that he is simply a jerk is quite a combination.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
Are you kidding me, seriously.
From Age 36-40 Barry Bonds hit 258 homeruns, or roughly 1/3 of his homeruns. All of a sudden in 5 yrs of a 22 year career he found the light, and started hitting homeruns. I don't care who was on steroids, I don't care if the Managers were on steroids, IT STILL DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.
he's always hit home runs... 30-40 a year


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
with age you should lose power... not gain power... his first, 100th and 200th barely cleared the wall... now he is crushing them in the bay 15 years later... a lead off hitter to clean up power hitter... hmmm somethin is
A person especially an athlete can get stronger as they age... people do train and try to get better year after I don't buy this arguement.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
with age you should lose power... not gain power... his first, 100th and 200th barely cleared the wall... now he is crushing them in the bay 15 years later... a lead off hitter to clean up power hitter... hmmm somethin is

Dont give me age 37 Henry Aaron hit 47 homeruns that season, the most in his career....Was he juicing? He Started his first 3 years never topping 20 home runs and his last three years he didn't hit over 20....The almost exact same pattern as Barry.
Factor in Barry didn't hit .300 till his 4-5 year...once his batting percentage went up, so did his homerun numbers.....One could argue that if your hitting the ball more you might hit more home runs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This is a good point. MLB definitely has some culpability for not testing and looking the other way when they needed fanfare, (after the strike). The players association is also to blame for fighting against testing so vehemently. Bonds is not the only wrongdoer here, he is just the one who benefited the most by breaking the greatest record in sports. That and the fact that he is simply a jerk is quite a combination.
It just cracks me up Crimzy. Bud Selig was relishing in the steroids era in 98, when it was casting a positive light on the sport. But now that has a negative light cast on it, Selig turns his back. The real villain in all of this is Bud Selig.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
A person especially an athlete can get stronger as they age... people do train and try to get better year after I don't buy this arguement.

It is physically impossible to gain 40 lbs of muscle at the age of 37, unless you have help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
He Started his first 3 years never topping 20 home runs and his last three years he didn't hit over 20....The almost exact same pattern as Barry.

Wrong, Hank Aaron hit 26 and 27 Hrs in his second and third year in the league.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
A person especially an athlete can get stronger as they age... people do train and try to get better year after I don't buy this arguement.
Can you provide other examples of this in professional sports, particularly any who are Barry's age?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
he's always hit home runs... 30-40 a year

Well Rylan lets have some baseball lessons. In Bonds first six years he only topped 30 hrs once. And after that yes he hit 30-40 Hrs a year, but not the 49-73-46-45-45 from 2000-2004.
Barry Bonds was a great before the roids, and he would have been great if he never took them. Just not as great as he is now. Are you really going to deny the fact that he was taking steroids? Do you really believe him when he said, that when he was rubbing the "clear" on himself, that he really believed he was using flaxseed oil??????

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
Wrong, Hank Aaron hit 26 and 27 Hrs in his second and third year in the league.

My bad, you are correct...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Dont give me age 37 Henry Aaron hit 47 homeruns that season, the most in his career....Was he juicing? He Started his first 3 years never topping 20 home runs and his last three years he didn't hit over 20....The almost exact same pattern as Barry.
Factor in Barry didn't hit .300 till his 4-5 year...once his batting percentage went up, so did his homerun numbers.....One could argue that if your hitting the ball more you might hit more home runs.
at age 37 barry hit 73... almost double...


Active Member
Mark McGwire hit 49 hrs in his second season, I doubt he was using then. Are we going to deny he was on steroids later in his career? He basically admitted it before congress.


This is the reason I don't follow sports anymore. I think it is discusting that these people make millions every year playing games and they think they can do whatever they want. Bonds should be stripped of his title completely. If you can't win something fairly then you should be discaulified from it altogether. football, baseball, hockey, basketball. If I were buying and using roids I would probably be jailed for it. why shoud bonds be any better than me or you....


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Originally Posted by reckler
If I were buying and using roids I would probably be jailed for it. why shoud bonds be any better than me or you....
Excellent point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This is incorrect. Substances have ALWAYS been banned from baseball. However, there was no testing until a few years ago. It has always been against the rules.

substances against the rules or testing was against the rules? if the latter thats a real dilema lol