The Official Insomniac MEGATHREAD


Active Member
im up late working on a cake order and going kinda stir crazy. can't take any more of these infomercials.... anyone else up?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
im up late working on a cake order and going kinda stir crazy. can't take any more of these infomercials.... anyone else up?
I actually turned the computer on so I could look somethiing from an infomercial up *blush*
It's called an "aerogarden"....but they are like $150....I have a perfectly good garden outside that I don't use allready!!

nano reefer

Active Member
just dropping in, but i have to go to bed already. boss wants me in early to help rig up our new computers! he got us all (only 3 of us since we have had to lay people off) new iMac's and he got our secretary a MacBook. Its my job to set it all up an configure everything to be working by 9am, so ireally should be off.
it sucks that we laid off 5 people in the last year, and we just got new computers.... like, we just layed off one of my very good friends, which sucks, and the fact that we get cool new stuff to work with is bittersweet. anyone ever watch the movie office space? verrrrry similar.
When did you become a mod? usually instead of "Shark" it said "Sir Quizzy", its been soooo long.


Active Member
Now what is this nonsense thread about??? I seem to have overlooked several pages of babble... how could I have done this?

I'm enjoying the hour or so of free time I get per day. Between 12 and 1 everyone is asleep and I just chill with the computer, TV and fish tank.

Is it irresponsible that I'm getting a new car and thinking of quitting my job at the same time?


Active Member is irresponsible in this economy, unless you have some seriously well thought out plans. People are begging for jobs right now.


Well-Known Member
WOO!!!! giggity giggity.
Lot of stuff going on in my life right now. The number one main priority for me is getting a job. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for one, and no one is hiring because of the bad economy. Currently working for my dad. It pays well, but I hate working for my dad. It's not that he isn't a good boss, he's just my dad. lol.
I feel like a sell-out but, I put in an application to PetSmart and *****. Maybe I can get some sort of managerial job there. That would be great! I also tried a call center - but I called in asking about applications with a sore throat - I'm sure they want that! lol. I am thinking about going to Labor Ready - I'm sure they could find me some work to do.
I was also thinking about just going to a technical school and in six weeks come out with a welding certification or an electrician certification (and get a job as an apprentice). I was thinking maybe I could even do some carpentry or plumbing - I know a little of everything. Funny thing about owning/operating and being in the aquarium industry is that you learn a bunch of skills.
What do you all think I should do? Go back to school and get some temp job making a lot of money before I go back to college (and continue to work the skilled job) until I get my biology education degree? I'm kind of at a cross roads in my life right now! UGH!


When did you become a mod? usually instead of "Shark" it said "Sir Quizzy", its been soooo long.
Hm, a couple of months ago I became a moderator.
Crimzy, that is not irresponsible. I am sure you will join another firm or open your own practice right away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
WOO!!!! giggity giggity.
Lot of stuff going on in my life right now. The number one main priority for me is getting a job. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for one, and no one is hiring because of the bad economy. Currently working for my dad. It pays well, but I hate working for my dad. It's not that he isn't a good boss, he's just my dad. lol.
I feel like a sell-out but, I put in an application to PetSmart and *****. Maybe I can get some sort of managerial job there. That would be great! I also tried a call center - but I called in asking about applications with a sore throat - I'm sure they want that! lol. I am thinking about going to Labor Ready - I'm sure they could find me some work to do.
I was also thinking about just going to a technical school and in six weeks come out with a welding certification or an electrician certification (and get a job as an apprentice). I was thinking maybe I could even do some carpentry or plumbing - I know a little of everything. Funny thing about owning/operating and being in the aquarium industry is that you learn a bunch of skills.
What do you all think I should do? Go back to school and get some temp job making a lot of money before I go back to college (and continue to work the skilled job) until I get my biology education degree? I'm kind of at a cross roads in my life right now! UGH!
There's nothing wrong with being at a cross roads. In fact, if you think about it, it's pretty liberating. There are not many times in a person's adult life when they can choose the direction of their future. Most of the time, we are stuck in our current situation. If you can get past the stress and fear of big changes, you can realize that having a choice in your direction is a rare blessing and you won't get these opportunities too much. The path you choose could be the best thing you've ever done.
Wife and I are looking at our options. She is looking at options for me in California, Philly, Chicago, Florida, etc. While I don't think that we will actually make such a move, it's pretty exciting to even contemplate.
Snake, take advantage of this time. If you want to go to school, you won't get a better opportunity than this. You are not tied to anything right now. Make a good decision and your future will be changed for the better. Good luck.


I'm at a cross road. I can't sleep because of it. I'm crossing between switching my 55 gal reef to my new 120 oceanview!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
WOO!!!! giggity giggity.
What do you all think I should do? Go back to school and get some temp job making a lot of money before I go back to college (and continue to work the skilled job) until I get my biology education degree? I'm kind of at a cross roads in my life right now! UGH!
Go to school! I had a very steady job that paid well. I had to quit it to go to college. Yes it wasn't fun, yes now I'm rebuilding my credit. But now I have a career, not a job. I make my own hours and know I will always be needed somewhere. I love going to work, who else can say that. I also know that my financial needs will be met for the rest of my life. My advise would be for you to sit down and ask yourself what you want to be doing ten years from now? The same thing you are doing now? Or something new and exciting?