The Responsible Marine Aquarist Part2


Active Member

Originally posted by skilos1
To call someone zealous and pushing their point of view is just nonsense and it's ridiculous to think that way.

I was going strictly off this line.
You said right here that people don't push thier point of view. Or am I taking it wrong?


No offense but look at the number of posts and see how many are participating...I think this board has a lot of memebers but a lot do not choose to post or participate because they often leave with a bad taste in their mouth after being told they are irresponsible....
Sure there is some duty to give helpful and truthful advice but when someone asks "can I keep a maxima ultra, or a acropora under 440 watts of vho"? say yes some say its possible but I have never tried it, since the standard in the hobby as I know it is using HM....
we should not be so quick to slam others by telling them to re-read other peoples posts and to not make such blanket statements about peoples posts because to think that way is ridiculous....(no offense intended I understand and have read your post) I am sure that if this continues to happen that there will be fewer and fewer people who post their opinions. Untill there is an elite few who know it all....


Like Naturelover I research the board more than I post. Like many people have said if you do a search on 99% of topics the answer is already here. There isn't an excuse by saying "nobody replied to my thread" when the question is already in the database. This hobby is indeed a learning experience as variables are different for each hobbiest. I know a lot about marine life but find new things on a daily basis. I've utilized this board countless times and there is a ton of wisdom posted. I read about the mistakes that are made, some that shouldn't of happened, some that an experienced aquarist have made. I don't think anyone can say they haven't messed up somehow. Honestly, I think a lot of people don't think they are being irresponsible until something bad happens. Like said over and over research and know your animals. If you can't provide the care or habitat for that species, it's survival chances are extremely low. If your a beginner start with hardy fish and corals that are easy to care for and then move up when you gain experience. If you were going to flight school would you want to start out flying a Concord or a Cessna? Hint "If you pick the first your chances of survival are slim" ;)

bang guy


Originally posted by Draxx
No unexplained deaths - crystal clear water - 0 Ammonia 0 nitrite .10 nitrate .10 po4 460ORP 8.2 average ph 8.0dkh

Although your Nitrite level is harmless, it does indicate that your system isn't stable for some reason.


Active Member
I don't take that as a flame at all BigMac. I've enjoyed reading these threads - good stuff to consider for both newer folks, seasoned pros and those of us in between.
Choices are what makes this hobby interesting.
Choices and the results of those choices are what makes our tanks "ours" .
And just think of all the things we must consider - it can be overwhelming at times.
It's these series of choices that can lead to satisfaction and allow us to enjoy the hobby. It's like your tank becomes better over time, and you look back at all the decisions that you had to make to get it to that point.
That is of course - if you did some homework - and made good choices.
If I set up my tank "exactly" like someone elses - someone whose set up is really wonderful .... my chances of sucess are likely going to increase dramatically. Follow and duplicate what others have done - if you want similar results.
But in doing so ...... I lose some of the "personal" flavor that makes my tank unique to me. The same flavor that makes each of our tanks unique to each of us. That to me is one of the greatest parts of keeping a saltwater tank. Learning to do it is much more fun for me, than simply copying someone elses set up piece by piece.
There are of course ...... certain facts that are hard to dispute.
Too many successful hobbiest using proven techniques that work.
There's some room in there to make your tank "your own", but you can't fool Mother Nature - and you can't cut too many corners if keeping "difficult" animals.
Animals are classified as beginners and advanced for a good reason - right.
No doubt there is more than one "proven" set up that works.
No doubt that we all have to make a ton of choices.
No doubt that the better we all educate ourselves - in most every case we will be better prepared to make better decisions.
I would say that the phrase "Your tank ~ Your choice" could easily be expanded to;
Your tank ~ Your choice ~ Choose wisely
Whether you have a 20 gallon FO tank with a pair of percs, or a $10,000+ reef set up with all the trimmings.
Being responsible may mean making responsible, educated, well thought out choices ;)


Active Member
i really like the way skilos and broomer had put it.
Skilos is right on the money, in saying that bc we post in several different posts, the same thing does not mean that we are jamming it down others throats. It jsut means that we are confident enought to say this does work and will stand beside our statement. And to add to that, how often does someone ask:
How will this work, or Am I doing something wrong, or What would you do. type of posts?
How do we answer that without answering. Lie and say that : 'Yes, you can keep your seahorses in with 2 picasso triggers an d a panther grouper, all will be fine and as for your brain coral, one 15 watt incandescent is fine, ther is no need to upgrade there eitehr'
or, do we
"I would not put theose seahorses in there, in fact, I would be careful with the triggers and the grouper bc he may just eat your triggerfish. And you really should consider looking inot more light for a brain coral"
Which one would be responsible of us as mentoer, to do? and face ti many people who ask these questions are seeking advice, which puts us into the position of being a mentor, if only temporataily thru one bit of advice.
Again, your tank, your choice, but we as a whole need to band togeter and help each other out in order for this hobby to continue to advance. It is one thing to say, about damsels being ok with firefish, they may be. But it is another to say that clams will be fine with normal lighting.
I mean, go back a couple of days and do some research, youwill find a poll with someone asking if they are at fault or the LFS. When people come seeking advice(or go to the lfs) they want answers. THey may not always like the answer, but I would prefer to give them good dvice, instead of seeing a poll with myname on it bc ehy killed the tank. Blaming me, as tehy are trying to blame the LFS.
I WOULD MUCH RATHER SEE ALL OF OUR TANKS THRIVE! and we cannot d that without PASSION AND FIRE. It cdertainly cannot be done on BAD ADVICE. That si for sure.
As a lawyer, one ought to know about giving bad advice and its consecuences.
Consider it a slam, if you must, but it is merely the facts adn alot of PASSION that many of us have for this hobby,and we use it to keep our tanks healthy and try like heck to help others do the same.
I willnot do this by giving bad lies as advice.