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One year I got a chia pet.
My friend got a new vaccum and mop from her husband, and now he's not getting any if you catch my drift.
One year I asked for a chia pet....I'll take the vaccum and mop for christmas if it means he's doing the cleaning for the year!!!
My mother-in-law gave me a book by the guy who wrote the notebook. Now, I love to read, and I have tons of books, But I don't read dramas!!! if she paid attention to any of the books I read, she know that. I was able to return the book and get a book I like and coffee with some money leftover, so in the end it's not a bad gift.
But at least that had some thought. A few years ago, she got me a road side asst kit and cheap flashlights-in a Sears bag, not even wrapped!!! (she didn't buy them for me, she bought two of everything for Sinner and her other son, then as an after thought relized I was there (I have been for years...) so she 'split' some stuff b/w the three of us, all guy stuff.
One year she mailed me a Brick for christmas...Nothing special about it...just a Red Brick
Really? your very own red brick? They have many uses. paper weights, door holder opener, murder weapon, stick your computer monitor on to raise it, use it to break a window, keep a car from rolling backwards, step, a compaion for your pet rock....umm yeah... can anyone tell I had to come up with a list of 101 uses for the common red brick?
Sinner's grandma used to give him random books she bought at a garage sale.
I love socks!! Warm, fuzzy and colorful!
Okay, so one year we had a CHURCH party for the teens. being one of the teens I brought a gift, forget what it was but I spent 15-20. So we do the exchange. One girl ended up with a plastic hair thing, and it was BROKEN!! The person who gave the gift (because of course we all knew who brought what) got the best gift! A shower radio!