There's ICK in my new tank


New Member
I've been through episodes of ich and tried copper. Not great results. I tend to kep my tank hyposalinated now and i regularly. At lease once every 3 months put a chopped up garlic clove in my tank. Not minced just chopped. It cured the ich have been ich free for 3 years. Only problem is watching the fish makes me crave spaghetti.


Active Member
From what I've read, tangs don't do well with copper. It affects their digestive system in a way that's counter productive. I don't see why people go the copper route when hypo is easier, costs less, and has a higher rate of effectiveness (when done properly). JMO.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Just a note on the notion that invert cant get ick, which is true, but they can carry it in its encystement stage reason to QT them also


Originally Posted by Kornele23
I put my fish in an uncycled QT. It's not THAT bad as long as you keep up with the water changes and check your parameters daily. My fish are fine and healthy to this day after being put into an uncycled QT!! And they were there for over 7 weeks. If you get them out tonight and put them in your 55, they will ultimately be fine if you check your parameters on a regular basis.
That is great that your fish did so well in an uncycled qt. Many other people have not had such luck. My concern is that there are quite a few fish going in all at once. He will certainly have to be on top of water changes.
Originally Posted by m0nk

From what I've read, tangs don't do well with copper. It affects their digestive system in a way that's counter productive. I don't see why people go the copper route when hypo is easier, costs less, and has a higher rate of effectiveness (when done properly). JMO.
mOnk, tangs tend to not do as well in copper as some other fish do. However, if the copper level is monitored closely it can be a very effective way to treat ich.


so far so good the fish are in the QT finally I'm on top of the water changes did 3 already I'm doing tests every 4 hours so far so good. guys really thank you for the help.


I'm pretty sure the tangs don't have black ICH or ICK It's just the bh tang and the bt trigger...anyways all are qt'd and were working on the hypo...


Thank goodness I have a refractometer, It really helps alot saved me alot of time and I wouldn't play with my fish lives without one


Originally Posted by SH2000
Thank goodness I have a refractometer, It really helps alot saved me alot of time and I wouldn't play with my fish lives without one

Yes, a refractometer is essential for this treatment. I really hope that everything goes well. Keep us posted.


Well I'm very glad to hear you got all of your fish in the QT. Just keep checking your parameters and be ready because you will have a spike in a lot of areas (at least we did). But by keeping up with the water changes your fish should hopefully be just fine!



everything good so far. If after this I get ICK again in my tank after this I'm giving up the hobby.For me a tank without Tangs is not what I'm looking for.


Ok salinity was lowered slowly to what ? just wait 3 weeks ? and wait till I don't see white spots ?


Originally Posted by SH2000
Ok salinity was lowered slowly to what ? just wait 3 weeks ? and wait till I don't see white spots ?
When you don't see a single spot on your fish then begin counting three weeks. Be sure to check your fish very thoroughly. There is no rush, they have to stay out of the display for six weeks anyway.


I'm not rushing
thanks for all the help guys this wasn't as difficult as I thought just took many many hours.


The ammonia is at 0.12 in the 55 where the fish are that have ICK that I removed from the 120 I did a 50 percent water change are the fish safe with the ammonia not at 0 ? and when should I test again I did the 50 percent water change 30 min ago. The Nitrite is at 0.1 and the Nitrate at 10ppm


Originally Posted by SH2000
The ammonia is at 0.12 in the 55 where the fish are that have ICK that I removed from the 120 I did a 50 percent water change are the fish safe with the ammonia not at 0 ? and when should I test again I did the 50 percent water change 30 min ago. The Nitrite is at 0.1 and the Nitrate at 10ppm
Keep up with the water changes. Keep the ammonia and nitrite as close to zero as you possibly can.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by SH2000
anyone ? also how do fish live with sal. 1.009 ?
Physiologically the 1.009 is closer to their internal salinity, while they have evoloved into handling their more natural surrounding salinity of 1.026, they are quite capable of handling the 1.009 SG. in their water.


Active Member

Originally Posted by SH2000
everything good so far. If after this I get ICK again in my tank after this I'm giving up the hobby.For me a tank without Tangs is not what I'm looking for.
I've had ich breakout in my DT twice and I haven't given up (second time was from not QTing new coral which must have brought in some eggs stuck to the rock). Once you've got the hypo thing down, it'll be much easier to deal with. I also had a much easier time getting my fish out of the DT the second time since I knew what worked. Basically, I do it when they're all sleeping. Anyway, QT anything
new for 6 weeks before it goes into your DT and you'll be good. I setup a 20L frag tank for a couple hundred bucks and in the long run it'll be much more worthwhile to have for other reasons too, but the big thing is that it'll save me money and aggravation.